Slinging the navy-blue FBI shirt over my shoulder, Ireached for her other hand, then helped her into a seated position. The duvet fell, revealing her ample breasts and pert nipples, which I quickly covered by slipping the tee over her head before I ended up embarrassing myself.
“Thank you,” she said while I arranged a few pillows behind her back.
“Knock. Knock.”
Lanie entered, carrying a tray filled with enough sandwiches and snacks to feed a room full of starving kindergarteners. If I wasn’t already feeling like shit from the aftermath of my illness, watching her step cautiously toward me as if I were a wounded animal would’ve done the trick. The last thing I wanted was for my new roommate and—cross my fingers—friend, to think she had to treat me like I was fragile. It wouldn’t bode well for the future.
“It’s not always like this,” I started. “In fact, there’s only been a handful of times in my life my blood sugar has gone super low. Typically, it’s too high, which is why I take meds.”
Keaton moved to my other side, leaving the space open next to me. She offered me a sandwich, then grabbed one for herself before setting the tray of goodies down on the bedside table and plopping on the bed with a huff. I dug into the food, knowing the protein would help keep my blood sugar up.
“I should’ve made sure you ate after our workout.”
“No.Ishould’ve made sure I ate. You’re not my keeper, Lanie.” She opened her mouth to argue, but I silenced her with a glare. “The stress of everything, coupled with theadded exercise…well, let’s just say I know better, and I’ll do my best not to let it happen again.”
“See that you do.” Her frown twisted into a yawn as she took her last bite. “I’m going back to bed. Do you guys need anything else?”
“Just a promise.” She stood, raising a brow. “Don’t tiptoe around me. There might be a few cracks in my shell, but I won’t break.”
“We’re all a little cracked, Henley. It’s why we spend so much time searching for the one person who holds the glue.”
Her words echoed through my mind long after she left the room. They held such merit, considering the gorgeous man who had been and still was, quite literally, glued to my side.
After eating my weight in peanut butter and drinking a bottle of water, I swung my shaky legs out of the bed with the intent of going to the bathroom to relieve myself. Keaton was at my side in seconds, lifting me into his arms and carrying me down the hall with a grumbled, “Hush,” when I made a lackluster attempt to argue over the fact I could walk on my own. Thankfully, he waited outside while I peed because even though we’d had sex—incredibly hot, amazing sex—I wasn’t sure I’d ever be ready for that level of intimacy.
Settled under the covers sometime later with Keaton’s arm draped protectively around my middle, I understood what it meant to truly be at peace. I’d been on a mission, riding the prickly train of life, never stopping long enough to enjoy the ride, until he fell into my path. I felt like I could breathe again, yet my chest was weighed down by the turbulent emotions he evoked whenever he was near. Was Iin love with my Special Agent? The answer lay somewhere between quite possibly and hell yes.
“What’s wrong, Little Bird?”
“Why do you call me that?”
Every part of our bodies was touching, from our shoulders to our toes, yet he scooted a fraction closer, tangling our legs together as the arms around me squeezed briefly.
“I made assumptions the first time I saw you which were proved inaccurate. Then the night we officially met; I saw a whole new side of you.”
“By assumptions, you mean when you thought I was a junkie?” I teased.
“Shit,” he sighed. “Who told—never mind. It doesn’t matter. My point is, you shocked the shit outta me when you climbed out of the car with a knife in hand. I thought to myself, ‘look at this beautiful little bird protecting her nest.’ The name just sorta stuck from there.”
“I like it.”
“Good, baby.”
“One more thing,” I said through a yawn. “What’s your tattoo mean?”
“I got it done the day after my father’s conviction was announced. It’s Celtic. The translation is ‘this will not break you.’ It was something Jasper said to me over and over again.”
“It’s beautiful.”
“Thank you. What about yours?” His fingers lightly grazed the area on my hip.
“They’re my mom’s initials.” I yawned a second time.
“That’s nice, baby. Now, sleep.”
And I did.