Page 69 of Starlight Bay

“Where’s your sense of adventure?” he teased, stepping in close to me and lightly skimming his thumb down my cheek.

My face heated under his touch, his calloused skin leaving a fiery trail of nerves in its wake. Nick was not making this easy; my already-shaky resolve was crumbling by the second.

“Don’t press your luck.” I moved away from him, distancing myself from temptation. “I’ll be quick.” I spun into the bathroom, shutting the door hard behind me.

Leaning back against the door, I took some deep breaths, willing my heart to quit racing.

Get it together, Sydney. You absolutely cannot fall for Nick Milton again. No. Nope. Not a freaking chance. You need your job. It’s all you have. So get in and get out. That was the deal.

I sighed, leaning into the shower and turning the faucet to steaming, knowing full well that little pep talk with myself failed miserably.

There was no way around it. I was still totally and utterly in love with Nick.



All I wanted to do was hop in that steamy shower with Sydney and rekindle what we’d had. I wanted to drink her in, lather her with soap, slide my hands up and down each delicious curve. Every muscle in my body tensed; all systems were a go.

Taking a deep breath, I scrubbed my hand hard over my neck.Why had I thought this would be a good idea?If I couldn’t get Sydney to reconsider us, I’d be blueballing myself worse than a middle schooler with a fucking crush.Damn it!

Relax, Milton. You still have time. Play it cool; she’ll come around.

The door to the bathroom opened and Sydney stepped out, a white towel wrapped around her, steam highlighting her silhouette.

Hot damn.What was that about keeping it cool?

I shifted in my now-too-tight jeans, trying hard to focus on her face, not the creamy skin peeking out from the top of her towel.

“Shower’s open, Milton.” She tilted her head towards the open door, urging me into the bathroom.

“Uh, thanks,” I said, my throat bone-dry.

“What? Why are you staring at me?” Sydney frowned, her dark eyes narrowed.

“I’m not.” I raised my hands up and headed towards the shower, brushing past her before she could get a good look at my hard-on.

“Whatever, Milton.” She moved towards her suitcase, her back to me, and bent over.

I took the opportunity to cop one more furtive look before ducking into the safety of the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

Damn. How was I going to survive tonight, sleeping in the same bed together? Maybe this wasn’t my best idea after all.

“White? Red? Or something stronger?” I asked Sydney, surveying the options my mother had laid out on the large mahogany coffee table in the living room. Judging by her tell-tale fiddling with her necklace and the biting of her lower lip, I’d have recommended whiskey on the rocks, but somehow I knew she’d decline.

“White’s good. Thanks.” She shifted from foot to foot, waiting for her wine, the soft holiday music doing little to calm her.

“Here you go,” I said, handing over the glass. Then I leaned in, brushing against her shoulder, my lips almost touching her cheek. “Relax. It’s fine.” I straightened back up before the scent of her perfume undid all the cooling down I’d done in the shower.

“Bro!” Nate rushed into the room, slapping me hard on the back. Luckily, I didn’t have any beverage in my hand at themoment. “Merry Christmas! And Sydney, great to see you.” He moved in, kissing her on both cheeks.

A pink blush climbed from her neck to her face as she met his smile. “Good to see you, too, Nate. It’s been awhile.”

“It has indeed. Too long, I’d say.” He winked at her and I pushed down the urge to punch him.My brother had better stay far away from my fake girlfriend…

I grabbed two rocks glasses, dropped a single cube of ice into each, then poured two fingers of whiskey for each of us.

“Cheers,” I said, handing my brother his drink. The three of us clinked glasses, took a sip.