Ohmygod. Did she really just say that?
My face blazing, I shook my head, then turned and stalked back to our spot on the beach.
What were the chances of running into Lana and her mother on the beach this afternoon? This whole small-town vibe was going to take some getting used to. I took a sip of bourbon, kicked my feet up on the coffee table. Hudson was asleep in his bed and I was just relaxing on the couch after a full day at the beach.
How old was Lana’s mom? God, what if I was closer to her age than Lana’s?
That thought sent a cold shiver trickling down my spine. Maybe this was the curse of midlife—constantly wondering whose age you were closer to, the mother or the daughter.
I took another sip of bourbon to drown that depressing thought.
Lana. Definitely Lana.
As if on cue, my phone vibrated.
Lana: Can I come over?
Grant: Of course.
Lana: Thanks for rescuing me. It’s been a rough day
I typedAnything for you,then erased it.Too much, too soon, Grant.
Instead, I wrote:
Grant: Sorry to hear. Hope I can make you feel better.
Sexy, suggestive, but not over the top. Perfect.
I hit send, then settled back onto the couch and continued reviewing the brief for tomorrow. This divorce case was turning into a real doozy. Between the two of them, they had three kids, four houses, a small business, and a dog. And we hadn’t even started talking about alimony yet. I foresaw lots of billable hours in my future.
Knock, knock.There was a light tap on the front door.
I hurried to the door, opening it for her. “Come on in.”
She didn’t say a word, just leaned into me, placing a slow, sizzling kiss on my lips. I wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her close, and quietly shut the door.
“Hey,” I murmured, my hands dropping lower, skating over her ass.
“Mmm, I should have never left you today,” she whispered.
“Agreed,” I said, teasing her mouth with my tongue. She opened to me and I swept in, kissing her long and hard there in the tiny foyer, her back up against the door.
“Did you miss me?” she asked, her hand moving down to my cock, stroking me through the thin fabric of my gym shorts.
“Not at all,” I joked, shaking my head.
She giggled, giving my hard cock a teasing squeeze. “Mmm-hmm, you expect me to believe that?”
“No. Do you want some wine?”
“What’re you having?”