By the time the fireworks ended, Hudson was fast asleep in my lap, his breathing soft and even against my thigh.
“Here,” Grant murmured, scooping Hudson up and lifting him to his chest in one smooth motion. Hudson’s eyes fluttered open for a split second, then he snuggled down into his dad’s shirt, falling right back asleep.
“I’ll get the blanket,” I whispered as Grant stood with Hudson.
We trudged up the beach towards the bungalow, Hudson fast asleep in Grant’s arms. The rest of the crowd dispersed into the night; some headed back to the town square to continue the party, while most of the families walked to their cars, going home for the night.
Grant unlocked the patio door, and I slid it open for him. “I’ll be right back,” he mouthed over Hudson’s head.
I nodded, stepping into the cool air of the kitchen. Goosebumps rose on my bare arms, although I suspected more from nerves than the room temperature.
Take a breath, Lana. Remember the convo with Huddy earlier? This might not be the best idea.
Butterflies raced around my stomach and I fidgeted with the thin gold chain of my necklace.
Or it could be your best idea yet,a tiny, but bold voice argued.He’s a great guy—stable, committed to his kid and his career. And did I mention hot?
“Hey. He’s out.” Grant’s deep voice startled me out of my inner turmoil. “You want something to drink?”
“Sure, that’d be great.”
“I have wine—white or red. Beer. Or something stronger?”
“Wine’s good. White,” I said, my heart pounding in my chest. Although I’d dated a lot of guys, I’d never been with anyone as mature as Grant. Most of the guys had been right around my age and none of them had children.
“Here you go,” Grant said, delivering the wine. We clinked glasses—quietly—and I took a sip, the chilled liquid sliding down my dry throat. For some reason I was more nervous with him now than I’d been before. Anticipation crackled between us and I took a shaky breath.
“Are you cold?” he asked, glancing at the raised chill bumps on my arms.
“A little,” I said.
“Want to sit outside?”
He slid the door open and we stepped back out into the inky night. The crowd was gone, along with all the noise; the only sound now was the faint lap of waves on the shore. Grant motioned to the small navy couch and I took a seat, kicking my sandals off and tucking a bare foot up under me.
“What did you think of the fireworks? And the festival?” I asked, scanning his face for a reaction.
“You were right—Starlight Baydoesgo all out for the Fourth. It was pretty spectacular.” He grinned at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
“Right? For a small town, we really do it up. Wait until Christmas. Hudson is going to love it. It’s equally magical.”
“I’ll bet.”
An awkward silence descended between us at the mention of his kid.Maybe I shouldn’t have brought that up.
Grant inched towards me, brushing a lock of hair away from my face, his thumb lightly tracing my cheekbone, and I shivered from the intimate contact. He tipped my head up, then dropped his lips softly onto my mine. He tasted oaky and sweet from the wine and the crisp notes of his cologne tickled my nose. I breathed him in as his tongue teased my lower lip, licking at me until I opened to him. He didn’t hesitate, sweeping in, exploring, and I answered right back, our tongues tangling and fighting for dominance. Sharp, delicious pangs of desire shot through me as his hands moved from my face down to my shoulders, then lower still, to my breasts. He grazed the thin satin of my romper with his thumb, my nipple pebbling under his touch. I inhaled sharply, sucking in all of his scent. Exhaling, I melted into his chest, pressing up against him, his broad muscles hard under my soft curves. One hand found my neck, his large fingers splaying on my tender skin and drawing me to him, until no distance existed between us.
I shifted, snaking my legs around and straddling him until I sat in his lap, our hips pressed together. A low, soft moan escaped Grant’s lips, his lower body tensing, his growing bulge surging against me. My hands reached around the back of his neck, my fingers dancing over his short, prickly hairline. I nipped at his bottom lip, sucking and biting. He wound his hands around my waist, fingers spreading over my backside and kneading my muscles.
I wasn’t cold anymore.
“I want you,” I murmured against his mouth, reaching down and stroking between his legs. He responded to my touch,pulsing beneath my hand, straining against his shorts. A low groan escaped his lips as he pulled me tighter to him. He slipped a finger into my panties, immediately finding my slick, hot core. With a feather-light touch, he stroked me, my body quivering with each soft stroke. I rocked against him, wanting more, and he answered my desire, sliding one finger into me, then another until I moaned with pleasure. I scissored my legs tighter, driving our bodies even closer together. He leaned forward, nuzzling into my neck, dropping hot kisses onto my already-charged skin. He kept up the rhythm we’d found together as I rocketed towards the edge, every muscle tight and trembling.
“Grant,” I whispered into his ear, nipping at his soft lobe.