“Fuck, Asher Kane!”

I loved that shit. When I was really in that pussy, she called me Asher Kane. Let me see if I can take her to the next level.

Her legs were together between my legs, and she held on to the front headrest for dear life. My hips shifted ever so slightly to the left. There was this spot on that side that drove her ass nuts.

“Aha! Mr. Asher Kane Wilson!”There it fucking goes.

With one hand on her hip, I used the other one to reach up to grip her throat. I pulled her back toward me. That gasp was real!

“Wait, wait, wait!” She struggled to get those three waits out through her moans.

“Nah, ain’t no wait. You talkin bout you want dis dick in the whip. Take dis dick in da whip, Fat-fat.” Nothing but grunts and groans could be heard for a few seconds until I felt that shake. “There it go. Wet dis dick up.”

We had to get these nuts in, clean up, then get back in there for hydration and fun. I needed her to get another nut before I got mine. I wasn’t happy about this dress she had on when I saw it, but I was appreciative now.

“Oh my God!” Katniss’s body stiffened a little. “Don’t move! Don’t move.”

I chortled. I stopped my movement for a half a minute to let her gather her mind, then it was off to the nut race. “Let me get this nut!”

Once she started that pussy muscle tightness sorcery that she was good for doing, it didn’t take long for me to meet my end. Her little birth control rings were about to come up missing. She had to put them in like every week or something. She would go to put one in, and it would be a ‘C’ because I cut that bitch.

“Are the wipes still in the armrest, baby?” Katniss asked while she was already reaching in it. She lifted them in her hand to show me that she had them.

“Aye, if you don’t get off my dick now, we bout to be fuckin again.” She still had me inserted in her like a locked puzzle piece. The only difference was that this puzzle piece got hard and made babies.

It took us a few minutes to clean up before we made our way back into the club. On my way to the section, I ran into Avery Horry, the owner. We both were from the Chuck so there was a level of home team respect. We chopped it up for a minute while Katniss stood by my side.

It always amused me at the jealous females that talked their dumb shit about my girl. I thanked God that Katniss had tough skin and no self-esteem issues. If I had a dollar for every time a bitch referenced my girl as fat, I would be a thousandaire. Wait, I was already a millionaire.

When we stepped back into the section, I noticed my sister and Johnathan were gone. I surveyed the area but didn’t see them. “Aye, where my sista and Johnathan at?”

Without looking at me Zane asked, “Do you really wanna know, my boy?”

Ah hell no!I wasn’t sure if I could to this whole be cool with my sister’s boyfriend shit. At the least, I wasn’t sure if I could go out with them on some group date shit. Johnathan and my sister didn’t come back for another fifteen minutes or so. Just the sight of her hair being in a different style than it was when I first saw her let me know I had seen too much. This would be the last time I went out with their asses without giving some ground rules.

Time to Go to Court…

Today was the court date for the vandalism case against Penny. I was surprised at how quiet she had been. Yeah, there was an order of protection in place for me and Katniss, but Penny was hardheaded. Per Daisy, her ass was terminated from herexecutive position at the financial institution she worked at. Penny was probably busy on the job search.

“Baby, who is that with Penny?” Katniss’s question knocked me out of my thoughts.

We were in the hallway of the courthouse waiting for her case to be called. I rocked heavy with me and my girl’s support system for being here although they didn’t have to. They were real ones.

My focus went toward the direction of the person that had Katniss’s attention.Well, what do we have here?Penny strutted down the hallway with her husband next to her. The last information I had was that they were getting a divorce. Perhaps she sucked her way to a reconciliation.

“That’s her husband.”

Katniss’s neck snapped in my direction. “Her husband is white? Wait, Daisy did tell me that before. That might explain why she’s out here being a ho or some shit.”

The closer they got to us, it was obvious that Penny inconspicuously had her eyes on me. The lust in her eyes was bold as fuck. She wasn’t doing a great job because her husband literally gripped her chin and turned it straight.Damn shame!When you can’t stop your coochie from jumping for another man in front of your husband, you’re a lost cause.

Fifteen minutes later, we all were in the courtroom in front of the judge. We had a lawyer, but Penny didn’t appear to have one. Penny ended up standing to let the judge know that she would pay the cost for repairs. When she apologized, my head tilted.What the fuck is this shit?

“Your honor, I can write a check for the twelve thousand dollars in damages today or do a bank transfer if that works better. My husband and I are slated to move to Thailand. We would like to conclude this business as soon as possible so that we can move on with our lives.”

The judge nodded before he asked Penny if she understood that by paying the restitution a judgment of guilty would be entered for the misdemeanor charge. She confirmed that she understood. After he confirmed that we wanted a bank transfer, he put the court at recess for a half an hour with the order that the transfer was to be done before court was back in session.

The account information that Katniss gave for the bank transfer was one that she didn’t actively use. It didn’t even take fifteen minutes for my baby to get the notification that the funds were deposited in her account. Once court was back in session, Penny asked the judge if the orders of protection could be overturned since she paid the restitution. He told her that one had nothing to do with the other. He also said that with her moving out of the country it shouldn’t be an issue seeing as it expired in a year. Her nor her husband seemed pleased with that response but what could they do?