Once court was adjourned, the Pages quickly left the courtroom. We waited for a few minutes before my crew left to lessen the chance of running into them. I was happy this was over with. The twelve thousand dollars that Katniss received she would pocket. We got the estimate, then sold her whip to the shop for parts. Surprisingly, they gave her seven thousand dollars for it.
“I’m so happy that’s over,” Katniss said with a sigh.
I chuckled. “You act like ya ass was worried. You already knew dat judge been ga rule in your favor.” I smacked her ass.
“You talk bout you don’t like ta see me and Johnathan do all dat PDA but look at you. Ole hatin ass big brother.” Tiara mumbled the last part.
There was a beat of silence before we all erupted in laughter. She sounded like a spoiled brat. She stood there with her arms across her chest and everything.
Johnathan wrapped his arm around Tiara’s neck before he kissed her temple. “Come on, my lil baby.”
She moved out of his arm to walk ahead of him with her mad ass. When he smacked her on her ass, she turned in my direction then stuck her tongue out at me.Such a fucking brat.
Katniss held her hand up. “Lunch on me!”
I shook my head at her cheap ass. She talked about lunch on her, then tried to convince us to go to Outback. I told her that I was a Del Frisco kind of nigga. All of a sudden, I was paying. I couldn’t say anything because even if we went to Outback, I still would have paid.
Some Time Later…
“Kane, I’m about to beat your little ass!”
I wasn’t sure what my baby boy was doing, but I knew that Katniss was about to go to his ass in a minute. I sat on the balcony of our penthouse condo with a drink in my hand just looking at the skyline. Like I knew he would, I heard my son pushing the sliding door back to come out on the balcony. I knew it was him because I heard his little grunt when he did it.
“Daddy, Mama mean!”
Here his tattle tailing ass goes!“Son, what you did to make Mama mean?”
He leaned onto the lounge chair I was in to climb up in between my open legs. “I been make cereal.”
I dropped my head. My daddy had the genius idea that he would teach Kane how to make a bowl of cereal last week. Now, he was convinced that he could do this task alone. A few mornings ago, Katniss and I came into the kitchen to see ourboy sitting on the damn floor. He had a bowl and spoon he got from the dishwasher that he filled with cereal and milk. He was enjoying a bowl of cereal all by himself. That would have been impressive if there wasn’t milk and cereal everywhere on the floor.
Now, it was only eight in the morning, so his ass should have still been in bed. When he saw us come into the kitchen, his smile of accomplishment was bright. Katniss almost body slammed my boy. While she was enraged, I wanted to know how he got the damn cereal off the counter and milk out of the refrigerator. After I looked at the cameras, I was impressed. Kane had the gumption to pull a bar stool chair to the counter, then pull a dining room chair over to help him climb on the bar stool to climb on the counter. He threw the box of cereal he wanted on the floor before he climbed down.
Once he climbed down, he put the damn chairs back in the vicinity of where they once were. To get the milk, he tried to open the fridge door by the handle but couldn’t. He used the towel that hung on the door to pull it open. We kept the milk in the door, so it wasn’t hard for him to get that although he dropped it, hence how some of the milk got onto the floor. It went downhill from there fast. He overfilled the bowl with cereal and milk. By overfilled, I meant the entire box and what was left from the gallon of milk.
“Ain’t I tell you dat me or Mama gotta be in der to help you make cereal? You not pose ta make cereal by yaself, Son.”
His little face balled up as he sat on his hindlegs. “She slow. She take too long.”
I huffed because here was where I had to give my boy that big man to little man talk. “Son, I don’t care how slow you think Mama is. You don’t do what we tell you not to or I’m gonna whup ya lil ass. Now give me a kiss and go help ya mama clean up.”
My heart twinged a little over his dejected expression, but it was what it was. He lifted himself to give me a kiss. I hugged him tightly, told him that I loved him, then let him climb down. From where I sat, I heard him apologize to his mother. Of course, she did the aww shit and forgave his ass. A few minutes later, he came back to the balcony with his mother on his heel with a bowl of cereal in her hand.
“You weak!” I teased Katniss because one second, she was big bad mama, then the next she was ole soft ass mama. She fussed and cussed but knew she would give our lil boy anything he wanted. I loved that shit about her, though, because she lowkey was the same way with me.
Katniss set Kane up at his little table before she gave me her middle finger and a low volume fuck you. I planned to do just that as soon as this boy went down for his nap. She came over to take her place between my legs. I kissed her temple.
“How much you had to clean up?”
Her head leaned backward so she could make eye contact with me. My lips muffled my laughter when she rolled her eyes. “He didn’t get that far. I went to the bathroom while he was in the living room watching his lil show. I came out of the bathroom, and he done pulled the chair out of the dining room. I knew what it was when I saw that.”
Don’t laugh Asher. Don’t laugh Asher.Yeah, that internal mantra didn’t work. My eruption of laughter had my boy tuned in with a spoon full of cereal held in midair. My son was hell, and I would expect nothing less. My mama and daddy told me that I was hell when I was younger.
“Oh, that’s funny? Let’s see how funny it is when these three holes that I have close until further notice.”
My giggles went back down to the pit of my stomach. “See, you not playing right or fair. You know your son bad.”
Her entire body spun around. “He’s my son only when he’s bad? Boy, fuck you.”