She gave that nigga her number, but I couldn’t get it. Zane, don’t trip!“You may not like this plan, but I want you to come stay with me.”
She sat back up. “No, that’s not necessary. I’m staying at Katniss’s place. She’s at Asher’s place most of the time.”
“Daisy, if she’s at Asher’s place most of the time, then that means you’re alone in her place. Yes, our building is secure, but I would feel better if I kept eyes on you. You can sleep in the guest room if you want. I won’t fuck with you unless you want me to,” I told her with my hands held up in feigned surrender.
Her brow hitched. “Really, only if I want you to? I find that hard to believe.”
“Contrary to what you may believe, I can have self-control when I want to have it.” My hand lifted then wrapped around her neck to bring her face to mine. “Be clear, for you, I’ll stay in control to get, have, and keep you.”
She didn’t resist when I connected my lips to hers. In fact, she slipped her tongue into my mouth.We’ll see who needs the self-control.I let her know that I would help her bring her stuff up later this evening when we got back to the building.
The ease that was used to convince her to stay with me proved that she wanted to be in my presence. She gave me an apology for her words during our argument before she gave me another kiss. Her stubbornness wouldn’t allow her to make the first move. I didn’t mind making the first move as long as it led to us being together. I also didn’t mind running up on Mason again.
Meeting The Father…
“Calm down, man. E ga be fine. He a man jus like we is.” I thought Asher coming with me would calm my nerves, but it didn’t at all.
We were in the conference room at my agent’s office. Jackson wanted a private meeting out of the potential prying eyes ofbloggers and undesirables. He opted to meet me here which was cool. Where we met was not important to me. I just wanted to hear what he had to say. I didn’t expect much out of this meeting.
“Man, you act like we’re not about to meet the great Jackson London. Put aside that he’s my biological father… The man is a legend. He’s been my favorite player since I was a fucking kid and Porsha knew that. Leave it to her to let me obsess over him knowing he was my father.” My emotions were all over the damn place.
Asher tittered. “I feel you. Shit, you’ll feel a way if I ask dat man for an autograph?”
I’d laugh if I didn’t know that he was serious. I punched him in his arm. “Man, shut the hell up.”
Seconds later, the door to the conference room opened and my agent, Cade Briggs Jr. walked in. Jackson London followed closely behind him. Our focus zoned on each other. I picked apart his physical characteristics in an attempt to match them to mine.
Cade had been my agent since I came to the Cougars. I hired him when I felt like my previous agent wasn’t truly working on my behalf. Hassan Glover referred him to me. Cade was also Asher’s agent as well.
“Hey, Zane and Asher. I’ll assume both of you know who Jackson London is. Jackson, this is Asher Kane Wilson and Zane Anderson.” He paused for us to shake hands. “Fellas, I’m just here to formally introduce you all. I’m going to get out of your way to get home to my babies.”
I dapped Cade. “Thanks, man. I’ll holla at you later about that other thing.”
A company wanted to offer me a hefty endorsement deal. Cade said as good as the deal was, he could get them to give me more. That was the kind of shit that made me love him asmy agent. My previous agent would have just taken what they offered.
After Cade left, Jackson sat down. “Well, not sure how to start this awkward conversation. Never thought that I would be here.”
“Yeah, I would imagine meeting the son that you threw away for some thousands would be weird,” I retorted. I didn’t realize that I would feel so much bitterness in this moment. This shit was crazy.
Jackson dropped his head with a snicker. I couldn’t explain the expression that settled on his face when his head lifted. “Let’s get one thing out of the way. I never knew about you, ever. When the story came out, I was just as baffled as everyone else was.”
That didn’t make sense to me at all. “So, you weren’t fucking off with Porsha? Is she lying about the payoff or something?”
“Yes, I did have an affair with your mother while I was married. I’m not sure if I would call it an affair more than it was nights of sexual tryst. I was out there when I was in my rookie days and some years beyond. As far as the payoff, yes, that was very real. Like I said, when the story came out, I was baffled, so I went to the only other person that would have answers, my ex-wife. She confessed quite easily when I asked that she paid your mother to go away since Porsha confronted her,” he revealed.
Well, damn!“That’s crazy as hell that she would do something that vindictive. Did she think that you would never find out?” I inquired. This whole situation was sad as fuck.
“I agree that it was hella vindictive. I have to take accountability for the bullshit that I’d put her through while we were married. I was always in the gossip columns and seen out with random females knowing that I was married. In all of the fuck shit I did, this was the first woman that came at her with a child allegation. She claimed your mother was more concernedwith the money than me being in your life and you having a father. Apparently, your mother came back to her recently wanting more money to keep quiet, but Paula, my ex-wife, told her fuck her.”Now that is interesting.
Asher sighed. “Boy, ya mama outcha down bad. I wonda what’s so urgent dat she need money so badly.”
“I wonder the same thing, man. Jackson, Porsha was not the greatest mother as you probably can tell. We don’t really have a relationship because she’s not interested in having one and frankly neither am I. Although she doesn’t want a relationship with me, she has continuously tried to establish one with my wallet. I’m sorry that this shit popped off like it did. I’m happy that we both know the truth.” I wasn’t sure why I felt like I needed to apologize for Porsha’s actions, but I did.
We all sat there quietly before Jackson broke the silence. “There is nothing that I can do to get those years with you back. I want you to know that had I known, you would have been in my household. I think Paula knew that and that was why she did what she did. There’s no raising that needs to be done here, but I do want to get to know you as a grown man. I mean, if that’s alright with you. My sons also want to formally meet you.”
Both of his sons, my brothers, were younger than me. Jackson Jr. was twenty-eight and Jamison was twenty-six. I was surprised that they wanted to meet me. “Oh, I didn’t think they would want to meet me.”
He smiled. “Naturally, when the news came out, they came to me and their mother. When she made her confession about what she had done, they were furious. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in life and my marriage, but I’m proud to say that I raised amazing boys. I taught them to take accountability for their actions. The best way to teach that was by leading by example. After our conversation, they very much wanted to formally meet you.”