“Okay, so somebody wants to die,” Daisy said from beside me. “Call Asher, and I’ll call the cops. These bitches have lost their fucking minds.”
My phone was already in my hands. I lifted it to long press the number two on the keypad screen. I always had at least one earbud in my ear. He answered on the second ring.“What’s up, Fat-fat?”
“Someone messed my car up,”I said with no real emotion. It didn’t make sense to me that someone would do this in the parking garage of a hospital. It made even less sense that no one saw it.
There was stirring on the other end.“What da fuck you say, Fat? Who car mess up? Yours?”Once I confirmed that it was mine, he asked me where I was before he told me that he was on the way.
“Hey, the police said we should go back inside, because we don’t know if whoever did this is still out here.” I heard Daisy, but I was in a daze. When she grabbed my hand, I came out of it. “Come on, best friend. Your car can be replaced.” I let her guide me into the building. “I’ll text Asher to tell him where we are.”
I was not sure how long it was until Asher showed up, but I was vexed that he showed up before the damn cops. I guess a vandalized car wasn’t a high priority.
“Baby, where you at?” I heard him before I saw him. The nurses that were around stopped just to get a glimpse of him. Even with the current circumstances, I couldn’t stop myself from admiring my man. “You okay?” he asked as soon as he got into my personal space.
“Why would someone mess my car up, Asher?” Tears laced my eyes. “I don’t bother anyone. I just go to work, take care of my baby, and love you.” My eyelids expanded at my heart speaking its truth out loud. “I mean—”
My words were cut off by his lips on mine. When he pulled back, his eyes had a sparkle. “I love you too, Fat-fat.” The police announced themselves. Asher turned around to face them. “How I getcha before y’all?”
One of the two cops’ eyes were glued on Asher. She was starstruck.If this woman professes her dying fandom for my man right now, I might snap.“Mr. Wilson, had we known it was you—”
“Hol up, hol up! So, you tryin to tell me dat if e been me y’all woulda been here?” Asher inquired with bass in his voice. “Dat shit real fuck up. Y’all wonder why folk don’t trust twelve.”
The other officer who didn’t speak jaw tightened before he glowered at his partner. “That is not at all what she is saying, Mr. Wilson. We take all crime seriously regardless of who the victim is,” he proclaimed while his eyes were still on his hot in the coochie partner.
“Yes, yes! I’m so sorry,” Officer Spencer said. Her face was tomato red. She pulled out a little note pad, opened it, then read something off a page. “Who is Miss Katniss Roland?”
Finally on my feet, I raised my hand. “That’s me.” She asked me what happened. My eyelids blinked several times withoutwords leaving my mouth. “My car was vandalized,” I confirmed after a minute of staring at this ditzy, getting on my nerves broad.
She must have felt my attitude. “Miss Roland, these questions are standard. I understand your frustration. It’s easier if you cooperate so that we can get to the bottom of this.”
From behind her, Daisy, said, “No, it would be easier if you get off Asher’s dick and really do your job, Missif we would have knownface ass.” She managed to say all of that with a genuine smile plastered on her face. When Officer Spencer spun around to face her, Daisy’s eyebrow rose toward her hairline in slow damn motion. “Shouldn’t you be reviewing the cameras in the parking lot? There are working cameras.”
The other officer, Officer Taylor, stepped forward. “Yes, that is where we are going to head next. Let us take a minute to get all of your information, Miss Roland, for the report.”
I gave them all of the information that they asked for. It wasn’t until after I was done that I noticed Zane was here also. He stood off to the side, but his stare was stuck. There was something in his eyes that made my heart ache. “Hey, Zane.”
“What’s up, Kat?” he said slightly dejectedly. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” His head turned to Daisy. “What’s up, Daisy?” The tension was thick.
Daisy cut her eye over to him. “Zane.” That was all she gave him. “Kat, you ready to go?”
“What about my car?” I asked. “What am I going to do about my car? I have work, day care, and all this other stuff.” Not having a car would hinder my movement. I didn’t like that at all.
Asher wrapped his arm around my waist. “Stop playin, Fat-fat. You ca use one of my whips until you get a new one.” He kissed my temple before his lips went to my ear. “Come on so I ca make you feel better before we go get my boy.”
Ashtan was at my parents’ house. My feelings may have been all over the place with what happened, but best believe that my pussy was not. I needed something to make me feel better. Asher always knew how to make me feel better.
“Asher, yes! Just like that!”My moan was low but audible. I was bent over my boyfriend’s couch with his hand around my neck, him standing behind me, and his dick in my ass. “I’m about to cum, baby.”
His stroke speed increased. “Cum fa me, Fat. They got my baby fuck up. Let dis dick relieve dat stress.”
“Ah! Oh my God!” The way my body shivered caused my eyes to roll back. “I’m gonna pass out.” That’s how it felt. A bitch was lightheaded.
Asher’s strokes didn’t let up. “You bet not pass out, Fat. Where you want this nut? In ya ass, mout, or pussy?” I loved it when he asked me where I wanted it.
“My ass, baby! Cum in my ass!” Seconds after I gave him the directive, I felt his warm nut enter my ass.
“Fuck!” His dick completely filled me up and hit the bottom. He smacked my ass. “Ole trifecta ass bitch.” I loved it when he called me a bitch when he was in my holes.Smack!“You feel betta, baby?”
A head nod was all I could muster in the moment of pleasure. When he pulled out of me, without my permission, another orgasm slammed my body. My knees weakened, but Asher caught me. He lifted me bridal style in his arms. His kiss to my temple after I laid my head on his shoulder acted like a sleeping pill.