Rourke’s eyes widened. Not from my harsh words but most likely from my eyes, which I could feel were sparking violet. It didn’t matter. Aligning myself so quickly with Rourke might be a mistake, but my gut, which was almost entirely made up of a grouchy she-wolf, was telling me the greater threat to us was the wolves who were almost on us.

I’d made my choice, now I had to live with it.

Instead of responding, Rourke whipped his torso around and took James by the throat in the time it took me to blink. “What the hell is going on, Irish?” Rourke growled. “Trying to take me here was the wrong choice, and you know it. I let you in here out of respect for Callum, but it ends right here, right now.”

James knocked Rourke’s fist away from his neck like it was nothing more than a mild irritant. “Wrong answer, cat,” James snarled. “There’s no jump. Jessica’s in danger, but you bloody well knew that already, didn’t you? Coming here and announcing yourself was well noted, but now we’ll see if you can be as trusted as you once were all those years ago. I have no other choice left.” His face held a hint of a grimace. “I need you to get her the hell out of here,” he said, his amber eyes blazing, “and I’ll take care of this lot.” He gestured at the approaching five wolves. “As of four minutes ago our Pack went to war. We need every wolf to fight, there are none left to protect Jessica. Whoever sent you here used you to get to us, and they used you well. They knew right where to find us. Now get her out of here, and if you harm her in any way I swear I will kill you myself. Slowly.”

James didn’t wait for an answer. He shot around us, lunging into the five, scattering them like bowling pins. At that, the bar erupted into chaos. The humans hadn’t noticed the threat before, but they did now. They would all assume it was a bar fight, not a supernatural showdown.

I turned and took a step after James, eager to join the battle. I didn’t care what he’d just said, there was no way I was leaving with Rourke. This was my fight and I was staying. Before I could go more than a foot, my wrist snapped backward and once again I was pressed against Rourke’s jacket. The leather was tinged with the scent of oil, along with sweat and delicious cloves. And it pissed me off.

I jerked my hands up, breaking his hold on me. With everything I had, I shoved him back. He moved less than two inches, but it was enough. “I’m not going anywhere with you. This is my fight, dammit! I caused this, and I will not abandon my Pack to wage a war without me. Got it? So don’t even think about getting in my way.”

I dismissed him completely, wrenching myself from his grasp entirely, turning back to the fight.

He let me go.

As I spun around, I met a powerful, piercingly blue stare.

It stopped me in my tracks.

The gaze held me across the sea of pandemonium. My father strode through the bar like he was strolling through the woods, like nothing was amiss and a war hadn’t broken out all around him, humans shrieking and things breaking.

His eyes held one word.


Rourke stilled behind me, reading the message clearly too.

I opened my mouth to protest, but nothing came out. This order wasn’t from my Alpha. It was from my father.


His command swirled through me, pushing me, urging me. I realized with a start that sharing my father’s blood during the oath had somehow connected us, bonded us in a new way. His emotions raced through me, and I felt compelled to follow his directives. My wolf cried in my mind. She felt it too. I tried to resist, but I was frozen in place.


“Sorry, sweetheart, what you want doesn’t look like it’s in the cards tonight,” Rourke muttered from behind me.

I took a step forward, trying my hardest to break the command, pushing as much power into it as I could. I didn’t want to leave, dammit, I wanted to fight.

Before I could get away, Rourke lunged, bending and twisting, snatching me up by my waist and tossing me effortlessly over his shoulder. His arm clamped around my middle like a vise.

Then he turned, ignoring my howls of rage, and raced out of the bar.


In the back alley behind the bar, Rourke set me down roughly but kept a tight grip on my forearm. Then he started ushering us forward at a quick clip, his nose scenting the air as we moved, his posture guarded.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I tried to wrench my arm from his grasp, with no luck. His hands were like stone. “You can’t just pick me up like a f**king caveman and make my choices for me. How dare you!”

Rourke stopped, spinning around. “Keep your voice down,” he snarled, “and listen up.” His irises blazed an ethereal green. “In case you haven’t noticed, none of this was my idea. But here are the facts. You’re a one-of-a-kind werewolf. The only one of its kind. That means you’re now in a position of extreme interest to all parties involved. And I mean all parties. There’s not one Sect on this planet who won’t be interested in getting a piece of you now. Do you hear me? All of them—wolves, shifters, vamps, witches, everyone. If you die now, whatever you are dies with you. Understood?” He shook me a little to emphasize his point. “Now stop whining like a pansy-assed little girl, because we need to get clear of this area right now.”

My anger bubbled over and I had to tamp the rage back in order to speak. I had no intention of backing down. My Pack was fighting. I wasn’t going to leave them behind just because this guy told me to. “What do you mean, what I am? Just because I have br**sts doesn’t mean that’s not my Pack in there. Those wolves happen to be in the middle of fighting a war because of me. Now let go of me! I’m going back to join them.” My words sunk in. I was the catalyst for this war.

“Wrong answer.” Rourke started down the alley, yanking me behind him.

It was full dark. I tried to anchor my feet into the ground as he toted me down the alleyway like a three-year-old. I couldn’t get away unless I shifted, and even a partial shift now would be extremely risky out in the open. Not to mention I had no real idea how I’d done it before. I could use a little outrage here, I told my wolf. Rourke continued to haul us along, and I could feel her on the edge of anger, but not nearly as pissed off as I was. I thought we weren’t supposed to leave the bar with the scary predator. He’s a no-no. And he’s tugging us along like a petulant toddler. He’s kidnapping us! Get mad. Her ears perked and my muscles tensed for a quick second. I got excited.