Daxton chuckled. “I’m sorry. It seems that I’ve been scaring you a lot tonight.”

Letting her heart settle, she scooped the coffee into the metal coffee pot. “It’s not you. I must be a little jumpy tonight.”

Daxton waited for a moment, as if pondering something, and then asked, “Could we talk?”

Her heart sank. Although she knew it was coming, Josey had been dreading this moment. But at least it would be over with. “Yes, of course.” She set the coffee pot on the stove and turned on the fire.

Daxton walked into the dining area and pulled out her chair for her. After she was seated, he sat across from her. Her heart pounded, knowing what was coming, and dreading every moment of it.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I need to know what caused you to go on the run.” Daxton bit his lower lip and released it. “I know your husband was abusive from the questions I asked when you first arrived. But I need to know if my children are in danger.”

Josey nodded. “Fair enough.” She took a deep breath, summoning her courage. “When I first met my husband, he was a sweet talker, good looking, and told me all the right things. I heard rumors in town about him and his family, but I didn’t believe them. Thought of them as vicious gossip.” She shrugged. “I guess the old saying that love is blind is true. I had fallen in love with him, and I didn’t believe the rumors.

“Then after we were married, he started beating me and worse. When I said no....” Tears streamed down her cheeks, but she continued, “he would tell me that I was his wife. His property to do with as he saw fit. The last time he came after me, I swore that I’d never let him touch me again.”

“So, you ran,” Daxton interjected, not letting her finish.

She was about to tell him everything. But somehow, she just couldn’t bring herself to say the words. That she had killed him in self-defense. Instead, she nodded.

Josey’s head was down, and her eyes were closed, so she didn’t see when Daxton reached over and gently squeezed her hand. She looked up into his eyes.

“You don’t have to tell me more, but I have to know something.”

Josey’s heart stopped.

“Will he come after my children if he finds you here?”

Josey shook her head. “No, but his brother is vicious, and I know what he’s capable of. But he would only come after me, not your children.”

“But if my children get in the way—”

“Don’t worry,” Josey cut him off as her heart sank. This dream of living with a family and pretending they were hers was over. “I’ll be gone by sunup.” She tried to release his hand, but he held it tighter.

Daxton’s eyebrows shot up almost into his hairline. “What? No! That’s not what I was talking about.” He held her hand, not releasing her. “I just needed to know what I’m up against so I can protect my children.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she gazed into his eyes. “Daxton, I don’t want to put your children in harm’s way.”

“I was just going to tell you that I’m not leaving you this weekend. Not until this mess is settled.” He placed his other hand atop hers. “I hate to have to leave you and the children alone tomorrow, but please keep the doors locked and the children inside until I get home. I’m sorry to put you through that, but I needed to know how to protect my children.”

Josey nodded. “I know they’re your first concern.”

“Yes, they are....” Daxton placed a finger under her chin and raised it until her eyes met his. “And so are you. You are my concern now, too. I don’t want anything to happen to you, either.”

Josey nodded. “I appreciate that, but I’ll be moving on—”

“No. Not in your condition.”

She sighed as she looked into his eyes. “Why are you doing this, Daxton? You don’t even know me.”Or what I’ve done.

“I know enough.” Daxton held her hand, not letting her go. “You’ll be safe tomorrow. No one knows you’re here, except for Colton and Ella… and I’d trust them with my life. So, stay in the house and no one will find you.”

Josey nodded. At that moment, she wanted to tell him everything, but she just couldn’t bring herself to. How did she get into this mess? More importantly, how was she going to get out of it? Josey just hoped that Daxton and his children weren’t the ones to pay the price.

Chapter 12


Daxton’s footsteps resonated against the wooden planks the next day in Whiskey River. It was quiet and James had left, saying that he had to run an errand. Since he hadn’t taken any time off, Daxton felt that he needed it. Truth be told, Daxton was happy to have the time alone. There was a lot going on and he needed time to think it through.