“Shh! Don’t say that too loudly until after we’re married.” But Josey was smiling, too. “I love you, Sheriff Clark.”

“I love you, too... Mrs. Clark.”

“Not so fast,” she corrected as he released her. “Not until after you say those two magic words.”

A crease formed between his eyes as he cocked his head to the side... and then it dawned on him. “I do.”



Everyone cheered as Josey and Daxton walked out of the Whiskey River Community Church, hand in hand, followed by their friends and citizens of the town. Just about everyone in Whiskey River had been invited to the wedding. And from the look of it, everyone had attended.

Colton slapped Daxton on the back, holding his son, Blake. “Congratulations, sheriff! You finally did it.”

“Yes,” Daxton replied, giving Josey’s hand a gentle squeeze. “All it took was meeting the right woman.”

Colton wrapped his free hand around Ella, who was holding their daughter, Hannah. “It sure does.” He looked over at Ella, smiling up at him, and then back to Daxton. “I’ll leave you to it, then.” He released his wife and extended his hand to Daxton. “I hope you both will be very happy.”

“Thank you so much... for everything,” Daxton replied.

Colton nodded and then walked away with his family.

“Hello, my husband,” Josey said, holding Daxton’s hand.

He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Hello, my wife.”

Just then, Lillian and Andrew walked up beside them, dressed in their Sunday best. Then Lillian whispered something to her brother.

“Congratulations, Pa, Josey,” Andrew said, his face solemn as he extended his hand to his father.

Josey’s heart sank as she watched, fearing they didn’t approve. “Andrew, Lillian, is everything okay?”

Lillian looked up at her father, and then at Josey. “I just wanted to ask you something.”

Josey smiled, but her heart was pounding. “Yes. You know you can ask me anything. What’s wrong?” She feared that they didn’t approve of their marriage. Very quickly, the happiest day of her life could easily turn into the worst. The children’s approval of her meant everything to her.

Lillian looked up at her with tear-filled eyes. “May I call you... Ma?”

Tears of joy sprang to Josey’s eyes as her heart soared. “Yes, of course, my little darling.” She bit her lower lip and then released it as she looked at both Lillian and Andrew. “I know I’m not your real mother, but from this day forward, I’d like to be. That is, if it’s okay with both of you.”

Andrew and Lilian looked at each other and then wrapped their arms around her... their new mother. “Thank you, Ma,” they both said in unison.

Then Andrew looked into her eyes. “Welcome to the family.”

Josey’s heart soared with joy. Now, her family was almost complete... nearly. She looked over their heads to Daxton and raised her eyebrows, and he nodded.

“How would you both like to have a baby brother or sister?”

Andrew’s eyes grew wide. “Really?”

Josey nodded.

“What?” Lillian’s eyes flew open wide as she looked between Josey and her father. “What does that mean?”

Daxton picked her up, smiling. “It means that Josey and I are having a baby! But you have to keep it quiet for a little bit, okay?”

“Okay,” Lillian replied, and then lowered her voice into a stage whisper. “I hope we have a girl. I’m tired of being the only one.”

Josey laughed. “Well, you’re not anymore. You have me now. Remember?”

“Do you mean that?” Lillian asked, raising her eyebrows.

“I most certainly do.” With that, Josey took the arm of her new husband and let him lead her to their buckboard, headed to their new life... together. At that moment, Josey realized she was the luckiest woman on earth, for now she had the family she had always wanted. She was finally home.

The End