“So, what’s your name?” Daxton asked casually.

Josey stopped chewing mid-bite and stared at him.

“Oh, come on. At least tell me your name.” He handed her a glass of lemonade and she swallowed, but almost choked.

He was right. The least she could do was to tell him her name, but she wasn’t going to tell him her married name. What would happen if he found out who she was, who she had beenmarried to, and what she did? No, if she wanted a fresh start, then she had to start clean… and leave the past behind. “Josey. Josey Denning.” She gave him her maiden name, her name before she had met Logan, before her life went awry.

One corner of Daxton’s lips curled into a smile. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Josey Denning.” He held up another small piece to her. “Now, how about taking another bite?”

Josey returned the smile. “I can feed myself. I’m feeling better than I did last night.” Or the night before, or the night before that… She sat up against the pillows, reached for the plate, and he slowly handed it to her. It was true. Although she still felt weak, she was beginning to feel better. At that moment, she knew that she might live after all.

Daxton sat back and smiled. “More lemonade?”

She nodded. “Yes, please.” She took another bite and swallowed. “Did you make it? It’s delicious.”

“My daughter….” He stopped short, as if wondering how much to tell her. And she understood. He didn’t know her, after all. “My daughter, Lillian, made it.”

Josey nodded, understanding. “How old is she?”

A crease formed between his eyes. “She’s nine and my son, Andrew, is eleven.”

“Are they here?”

Daxton shook his head. “They’re away for a few days—”

“Until you know who I am.” She nodded, understanding. She handed him back the plate. “I’ll be on my way now. Thank you for caring for me in my time of need.”

Daxton looked at her, confused. “What are you talking about? You’re in no condition to travel… especially on foot.”

She sighed, unable to fight with him in her condition. “I can’t impose—”

“It’s not an imposition.” He handed her back the plate and smiled. “Eat. I’ll be right back with the lemonade.”

She nodded, unable to resist the delicious scent. While he was out, she took a big bite and chewed, relishing the taste of the sweet syrup and pancake. He really was a good cook.

A few minutes later, Daxton returned with the lemonade and handed it to her.

“Thank you.” She downed half of it and set it on the nightstand beside the bed. “Where did you learn to cook like this?”

He shrugged. “I’ve been single for a while. With two small children, I guess you could say that I learned out of necessity.”

She let out a deep breath and went back to eating.

He patted her leg over the quilt. “If you’ll be okay for a minute, I’ll go do the dishes. You rest until I come back.”

Josey looked into his eyes. “Thank you… for your kindness.”

“Don’t mention it.” Daxton gave her a kind smile as he stood. “I’ll be right back.”

After he was gone, she resumed eating, listening to the birds sing outside. It really was a beautiful day. She had been sleeping during the day and traveling at night. Now, it was nice to be awake during the day and enjoy the sounds of the birds outside, the bright morning sunshine… something Logan would never experience again. Even though he had beat her and did unspeakable things to her, she had robbed him of a future.

Now, she was no better than him.

Josey sat back against the pillows, thinking about what she had done. But then again, she had warned Logan, and she was holding a gun in plain sight. He had come after her again and wouldn’t stop. But this time, she had stopped him and now she was probably doomed to hell. But what other choice did she have? She knew she would go through hell and back to keep her baby safe. She didn’t want him or her to go through the beatings that she had endured. Worse yet, she didn’t want her child to grow up and become like him.

Silent tears streamed down her face as she watched the signs of life outside. She hadn’t heard Daxton walk in.

“Are you all right?” He took her empty plate, set it on the nightstand, and handed her the lemonade.