Caleb gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Thank you, Ella. And if you need anything, just let me know. I’m here if you need me.”
She smiled, nodding. “I appreciate that, but you just gave me the best gift of all … my best friend. If we act quickly, this means that Mia will be here in time for the baby.”
“I hope so.” Caleb smiled, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. “Thank you, Ella, for everything.”
“I’ll walk you out.” Colton rose from the couch, carefully lifting Ella’s feet and laying them gently back down again.
When they walked outside, night had fallen, casting a blue hue over the pristine snow when Caleb turned to Colton. “Is she okay?”
Colton’s smile faded as he shook his head. “I just hope that Doc Morgan is right and that it’s just the pregnancy. I hope it’s nothing more.”
Caleb gave Colton’s shoulder a manly squeeze. “I’m sure she’ll be fine. If you need anything, just let me know.”
Colton laughed. “I appreciate the sentiment, but I think you have your hands full already.”
Caleb smiled as he stepped up onto his buckboard. “Thanks, Colton. And be sure to thank Ella for me, too.”
Colton laughed. “No, I should thank you. You just made her night. Mia and Ella have been as thick as thieves for years.” A mischievous gleam appeared in his eyes. “Which means, you and I are both going to be in big trouble.”
“Actually, that sounds pretty good.” Caleb laughed, and for the first time in a long time, it was genuine.
He gave Colton one last wave as he headed home, feeling better than he had in a very long time. He just hoped that he was making the right decision.
Chapter 3
Mia took the worn letter out of her pocket to read it one last time before the train stopped in Laramie, Wyoming. She had taken it from her pocket, unfolded it, and reread it so many times over the past few days that creases had been etched permanently into the folds of the letter. It appeared to be years older than it was. Everything had happened so fast over the last few days it was hard to believe that it was real.
My Dearest Mia:
I have the most wonderful news! The preacher here in Whiskey River approached me, stating that he’d like a mail order bride… on the same day I received your letter! The Good Lord truly does work in mysterious ways!
He is a good man with two small children. Shane, age four; and Hailey, age two. They are wonderful, well-behaved children who need a mother to love and care for them.
Between us, Reverend Caleb Henley has his hands full. Between dealing with the loss of his wife, raising his two small children alone, and dealing with his congregation and the farm, it’s taken its toll on him. Although maybe a bit more serious now, Caleb is still the wonderful, God-fearing, good man that he’s always been. With time and your patience, I’msure he will soon be back to his old self soon. Mia, he’s still healing, so be patient with him.
The reason he wants a wife is for the children and insists that your relationship be purely platonic until the day comes when and if you may choose differently. He assured me that you would be perfectly safe with him.
He has a spare room that will be yours. He and the children will share the master bedroom for a while until you get to know each other.
I also spoke with Madame Samantha Chase, Matchmaker, and she will make the arrangements for your travel. Caleb, Colton, and I will meet you in Laramie when you arrive. You will need to leave as soon as possible, though. I hope it won’t be an inconvenience for you.
Let me know if this is agreeable to you.
Also, I don’t know how else to say this, but Caleb knows that you were a dancehall girl. He understands. Even though he is a preacher, he is not judgmental.
He was pleased to hear what a wonderful person you are and that you love children. He’s looking forward to your meeting.
I cannot wait to see you and will count the days until your arrival. Have safe travels, my friend, and I’ll see you soon!
I am Sincerely Yours,
Mia folded the note one more time and slipped it back into her reticule as she looked out the window of her private car. She let out a deep breath, exhausted from the three-day trip from New York. She mainly kept to herself in her private room, sewing, and only came out for meals. It wasn’t that she wastrying to be unsociable. She just wanted time to think and to get some last-minute sewing in before she arrived.
On the trip, she had made a new dress, beige with tiny rosebuds, to match a light beige hat she already had. She wanted to look nice when she arrived but didn’t have much time to assemble a new wardrobe prior to the trip. After she received Ella’s letter, Madame Chase contacted her with the arrangements, and three days later, she was on the train.