“Oh, Caleb,” Mia said as he helped her out of the front. “He’s just excited.”
“Yes, but if he eats too much candy, then he’ll be up all night,” Caleb replied, taking Hailey from her.
“You meanyou’llbe up with him all night,” she teased.
Caleb laughed. “Yes,I’llbe up with him all night.” Caleb offered his wife his arm, and Mia took it, unable to help but notice the bulging tight muscles beneath his shirt. “Listen, when we go in, go ahead and get whatever you want.”
Mia smiled, hugging his arm. “Thanks, hon, but I’ll only get what I need, which consists of thread, buttons—”
“Okay, okay!” Caleb chuckled as he opened the door for her. “I surrender!”
“Well, hello!” Mrs. Carson greeted them as they walked in.
“The store windows look great!” Caleb said, and then turned to Mia. “They were robbed a few months ago. Just before Christmas.”
“No!” Mia’s mouth opened in concern. “Were you hurt?”
Mrs. Carson shook her head. “No, not bad. Mr. Carson was hurt a little, but as you can see, he’s doing fine now.” She pointed to her husband, stocking a shelf behind the counter.
“Is it okay if they have a candy stick?” Mr. Carson asked, smiling with the children at his feet.
“Please, oh please?” Shane and Hailey chimed, jumping up and down.
Mia glanced over at Caleb, arching an eyebrow.
“It’s up to your ma,” he said, ignoring Mrs. Carson when her mouth flew open.
“Please, oh please?” Shane and Hailey begged Mia.
She let out a deep breath. “Go ahead. But just one each. Don’t eat too much. I don’t want you to get stomach aches.”
Mr. Carson beamed. “Here you go!” he said as he handed each of them a candy stick.
“Now, what do you say?” Mia asked.
“Thank you!” the children chimed together, and then ran over to Mia and gave her a hug.
Hailey reached up, wiggling her fingers, and Mia swept her into her arms. “What’s wrong, baby girl?”
Hailey wrapped her arms around her neck. “Thank you, Ma.”
Mia smiled as she kissed her new daughter on the cheek. “You’re welcome, but Mr. Carson is the one you should be thanking.”
Mr. Carson laughed. “They did.”
But Hailey didn’t remove her arms as she looked into Mia’s eyes. “I love you, Ma.”
“I love you, too, little one,” Mia said, and then kissed her cheek. “Now, go play with your brother for a minute. I’m going to make us all something special.”
Mrs. Carson dabbed at her eyes as she watched. “I’m so glad to see that you’re all adjusting so well.”
“Thank you.” Mia walked over to a shelf containing bolts of fabric in many different colors.
“Are you looking for anything in particular?” Mrs. Carson asked.
Mia let out a deep breath. “Just some fabric to make the family some outfits. Since spring is around the corner, I’d like something light. Do you have anything new?”
“How about this?” asked a woman behind her. Her voice was a cross between an Irish brogue and a British accent. Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled up under her hat. She was smartly dressed and wore a friendly smile as she pointed to a bolt of fabric.