A broad grin spread across Ella’s face. “I love it. Honestly, I thought I would be a mother to just one child at a time. But I’m so glad that we had twins.”

Mia listened, happy that Ella had found true happiness. As she listened, Mia knew that was how marriage and having a family was supposed to be. She was not meant to be a stand-in mother. A stand-in wife. Mia had no idea what was going to happen, but she knew that she couldn’t go on like this for much longer. She needed love and wanted a family of her own.

But maybe Caleb and the children could be her family after all. She resolved herself to try one last time, but she had a feeling that she was only kidding herself.

During lunch, she smiled and nodded at the right times, but she wasn’t herself. She was beginning to die a little inside each day the longer this went on.

“Ella, I won’t be over tomorrow,” she said after she finished the dishes. “Will you and the babies be okay?”

Ella smiled as she pulled her in for a little hug. “We’ll be just fine. Don’t you worry one bit.” She took the dishtowel from her hand. “You go on home and talk to Caleb. I can take it from here. But I’m so glad you came to visit.”

Mia chuckled. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“How did you guess?” Ella teased as she held her shoulders. “I’ll tell you what. When you have some free time, let’s get together with Madison and maybe a few other ladies. Maybe for an afternoon tea?”

Mia smiled as her eyebrows pulled together in concern. “Are you sure you’re up for it?”

Ella shrugged. “Umm… let’s see.” She placed her finger to her chin as she pretended to think. “Have time with my friends? Always.”

Mia laughed. “No matter what happens between Caleb and me, I’m so glad we had this time together.”

Ella pulled her in for another hug. “Don’t give up, Mia. It’s not over yet.”

Mia nodded, hoping she was right.

Chapter 18


When Mia walked in the door that afternoon, Caleb was waiting in the living room as the children played in the bedroom. He honestly didn’t think she would come home until after the children were in bed, which had become the norm for her this past week. And when she got home, she usually went straight into her bedroom.

“Well, I’m glad you decided to come home today,” Caleb snapped, sounding bitter even to his own ears. “You know, I’ve made dinner every night this week.”

Mia froze. Then, she took off her coat and hung it on the peg. “Well, I’m here tonight. So, what would you like for dinner?” She walked into the kitchen and slipped on an apron.

“No, don’t worry. I’ll make dinner,” Caleb said, following her in.

Mia jumped when she saw a bird in the sink. “What is that?”

“It’s a pheasant,” Caleb said as he walked over to it and started pulling out the feathers. “Mrs. Jenkins watched the children today, and I was outside when a flock of pheasants landed in the field. I grabbed my rifle and got one.”

Mia went to the pantry and pulled some potatoes out of the brown bag. “My! If pheasants are coming back, then spring must be around the corner.” She pulled a knife out of the butcher block and started peeling the potatoes. “In fact, on the wayhome, I saw some patches of grass. The snow must be melting off.”

Caleb threw the pheasant back down into the sink. “Of course the snow is melting! The snow always melts when spring is near!”

Mia threw the knife down into the bowl and wiped her hands on her apron. “Caleb, I’m sorry that I haven’t been here. I’ve had a lot to think about.”

He threw his hands up into the air. “And you don’t think that I haven’t had anything to think about? I’ve been doing nothing but think!”

“Stop yelling—”

“Why?” he yelled as he looked at her. “You haven’t been around to hear!”

“I haven’t been here because you’ve been pulling away from me!”

“No wonder I’m pulling away! You haven’t been here!”

“I haven’t been here because you don’t love me!” She threw her hands up, tears in her eyes. “Caleb, I love you very much, but you don’t love me! I’m so stupid for falling in love with you, but I couldn’t help it! I just can’t live like this anymore!” Tears ran down her cheeks as she ran outside to the front yard.