“Mia, we’re here for you if you change your mind.”

“Thank you.” She nodded, dabbing at the tears in her eyes.

“Now, go on inside,” Colton instructed as he took the reins. “Visit with Ella and I’ll take care of your horse.”

“Are you sure?”

A broad smile spread across his face. “Absolutely! I can’t wait for you to see my children! They’ve already grown so much!”

Mia laughed. “Are they ready for college yet?”

Colton chuckled. “No, not yet, but it won’t be long.”

“Bite your tongue,” Mia teased, skipping up the stairs. “They already grow fast enough.”

“This is true,” Colton agreed as he slid up into the saddle. “I’ll be inside in a bit.”

Mia nodded. “I’ll tell Ella.”

Colton chuckled, shaking his head as he disappeared around the corner, headed toward the barn.

“Ella?” Mia asked as she walked into the house and closed the door gently behind her. She took her coat off and hung it on a peg by the door, and then headed toward the master bedroom.

“In here!” Ella said just as Mia walked in. Her face lit up as soon as she saw her. “Well, hello! How are you doing today?” Ella was sitting on the bed, breastfeeding one of the babies, covered over with a lightweight blanket.

“Great!” Mia replied, smiling when she saw her. And it was true. She was much better now just seeing Ella. She looked into the cradle, and the baby girl was awake, holding her hands upto her, waving them back and forth. “I just came by to see if you needed any help… and to aggravate you, of course.”

“Good!” Ella laughed as she handed her the baby boy. “Here’s Blake. Can you hand me Hannah? I need to feed her, too.”

“It’ll be my pleasure.” Mia took the baby boy and laid him in the cradle next to his sister. The babies reached for each other and touched hands, stirring Mia’s heart. It was the sweetest thing she’d ever seen. She placed Hannah in Ella’s arms a moment later.

Ella switched sides and began breastfeeding again, and then covered them over with the light blanket. “Would you mind burping Blake?” She shrugged. “I kind of have my hands full.”

Mia smiled. “I’d love to.” She lifted him from his crib, dressed in a little gown. Mia wrapped him in the blanket and carried him to the rocking chair sitting in the corner and gently patted his back. A moment later, she was rewarded. “Feel better?”

The baby cooed in answer.

“You know,” Ella said as she rocked the baby, “you look great with a baby.”

Mia laughed without humor. “I don’t know about that.”

“What’s wrong?” A crease formed between Ella’s eyes. “Don’t you want to have children?”

Mia let out a deep breath, enjoying rocking the baby. “I do.”

“Well, then. What’s wrong?” Ella placed the baby on her shoulder and started burping her.

Mia shrugged. “Well, I already have two.”

Ella nodded as the baby let out a big burp. “That’s a good girl!”

Mia rocked Blake and watched as he shoved his fist into his mouth.

“Mia, talk to me,” Ella said, rocking Hannah back and forth. “What’s wrong?”

Mia looked down at the baby. “Caleb kissed me for the first time since we were married last night.”

“For the first time?” Ella demanded, her eyes wide. “But you’re married!”