Mia looked up from feeding Hailey with alarm in her eyes. “Did everything go okay?”

Caleb smiled. “Yes, both mother and baby are doing just fine.”

“Glad to hear it.” Mia gave Hailey another slice of bread. “You know, I could help out on the farm, too, if you like.”

“Thanks.” Caleb sighed. “But for now, I think you have enough to worry about.”

Mia shrugged. “I could at least gather the eggs before the children wake.”

“I appreciate the sentiment.” He downed his cup of tea. “But if you don’t mind, why don’t you concentrate on the children and the house? When you get into a routine, then we can talk about it.”

Mia nodded, giving him a small smile. “As I said before, I’m not used to being told what to do.”

Caleb set down his glass of tea and nodded. “I respect that. By the way, it was just a request.”

“Okay, then I’ll think about it.”

Caleb laughed. “I can’t imagine you out there birthing calves.”

“No, I draw the line there.” Mia chuckled. “I’ll leave the ‘birthing calves’ up to you.”

Caleb smiled, shaking his head. “You drive a hard bargain.”

They talked and laughed throughout the meal.A welcome change,Mia thought. After they were finished, Caleb went back outside to finish up, the children went to the bedroom to play, and Mia cleaned up and started fixing dinner. It seemed that the majority of what she did was cooking and cleaning. She made a mental note to get herself on a schedule and cook some things ahead when she could.

Mia had a few minutes, so she snooped around, looking for Jessica’s sewing things. In a way, she felt as if she was snooping into another woman’s territory. And, in a way, she was. Over time, she vowed to make everything her own.

She found a small sewing basket. So, she went into her bedroom and pulled out her sewing things. She carried them into the living room and set them in the small cabinet to the right of the writing desk. When she had time, Mia vowed to set up everything she had, make the children some new clothes, and make a sewing box for Hailey out of her mother’s things to use when she’s older.

Mrs. Jenkins had told her that the general store had bolts of fabric. The next time she went to town, she vowed to buy some fabric—enough for some shirts for Shane and Caleb, and enough for a few dresses for Hailey. She also needed a few work dresses for herself. Most of her dresses were a bit too fancy for farm life. Moving to Whiskey River was definitely a lifestyle change, but a welcome one.

Before she came, she had given her hair feathers to Carlita, a friend she worked with, and the few boas she had to another friend. Her dancehall days were over, and she was glad for it. It was nice to be in a respectable position now. Even though she wasn’t technically getting paid for it, it was definitely hard work.

“Mia!” Hailey screamed bloody murder as she ran from the bedroom with tears streaming down her face. “Shane has my dolly!” Big crocodile tears rolled down her cheeks as if it was the worst thing in the world.

“Shane!” Mia picked up Hailey and headed into the bedroom. Shane was hiding in the closet. “Come out here right now!”

He let out a deep breath, and then stepped out, looking down at his feet.

Mia studied his posture and knew there was more to the story. “Shane, do you know where Hailey’s doll is?”

Shane’s eyes opened wide as he shook his head vigorously back and forth.

Mia let out a deep breath. “Okay. Then, help me find it, please.”

Shane ran out of the room.

“Shane! Come back here!”

A moment later, she heard the back door slam shut. She just hoped he put on his coat before he ran out.

“Okay, baby girl,” Mia cooed, kneeling beside her. “Let’s find your dolly. Okay?”

Hailey nodded slowly, and then pointed toward the closet as huge tears poured down her cheeks. “She’s dead!”

Mia’s heart sank. “What do you mean ‘she’s dead’?” For a moment, she wondered if Hailey remembered her mother and understood that she was gone. She bit her lower lip, wondering if she should explain it to her or if she should tell Caleb.

“Shane killed Dolly!” Hailey screamed, pointing toward the closet.