Shane’s eyebrows rose. “You know how to make candles?”

Mia nodded. “I sure do.”

“It’s good that you came when you did,” Caleb said without looking at her. “In December, the blizzard had locked down the town completely. The pass was closed and there was no way in or out. You would have been stuck in Laramie until I could come to get you.”

Shane chuckled under his breath. Mia was sure that images of her freezing to death in the blizzard were going through his mind.

“I just hope we don’t get snowed in here.” Mia started to peruse her menu and then smiled. “But we can make the best of it if we are.”

Caleb nodded. “Yes, but I don’t think that it’ll be necessary. This is the first snow we’ve had since the blizzard. It’ll probably stop snowing by morning.”

“Good because I don’t want to be stuck here with her.”


“She’s not my mother!” Shane got up and ran to the front of the restaurant and placed his hands on his hips.

“Shane!” Mia called to him, trying not to make a scene. “Come here!”

Shane planted his feet firmly on the floor. “You’re not my mother, and you can’t tell me what to do!”

Mia’s mouth fell open in horror as they caught the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

“Shane! Get over here and apologize to Mia right now!” Caleb’s voice bellowed as he rose from his seat.

A tall man with broad shoulders, wearing a cowboy hat standing at the front smiled. “Looks like you have your hands full tonight, mister.”

Finding inspiration from Shane, Hailey slipped off Mia’s lap and started running around, Caleb caught her and shoved her in Mia’s arms again. Then Caleb marched across the room through the tables as Shane’s eyes grew wide. Then he took off up the stairs toward their hotel rooms with his father hot on his heels, much to Mia’s horror.

Mia forced a smile as Hailey started to whimper. “It’s okay, Hailey.” She rubbed Hailey’s back in a soothing motion, trying to calm her.

Dolly approached the table and set four glasses of lemonade down. “I’m so sorry it took a minute.”

“No need to worry,” Mia replied as she set Hailey in a chair. But Hailey started crying and reached out for Mia, kicking her feet. Mia picked her back up and set her on her lap.

“You must be new to town,” the waitress observed in a friendly voice.

“Yes, we are. My husband lives in Whiskey River.” Mia cringed at the slip.

Dolly’s eyebrows pulled together in concern as she frowned. “Don’t you live there, too?”

“We just got married today,” Mia replied, quickly losing her patience. “What do you have for dinner? We haven’t eaten all day, and the children are hungry.”

Dolly’s eyes flew open wide. “Oh! Yes, ma’am! Ralph’s fried chicken is the best.”

“I’ll take some, and bring her a chicken leg, too.” Mia looked down at Hailey, and then added, “Make it two.”

“What vegetables would you like?” Dolly asked, waiting patiently.

“Mashed potatoes for Hailey, and I’ll take whatever you have.”

Hailey was crying openly now, so Mia picked her up and started rocking her back and forth.

“Mashed potatoes, corn, and green beans okay?” Dolly asked.

Mia knew that Dolly meant well, but couldn’t she see that she had her hands full?

“Yes, that’s fine.”