Doc Morgan smiled. “Good. I’m sure there’s a midwife there, too, who could give you a few tips on the fine points of birthing.”
Mia smiled as her heart fluttered. “That would be wonderful! Thank you.”
Caleb reached out his hand to the doctor. “Dr. Allaway, thank you for everything. I’m the preacher in Whiskey River. If you’re ever in the neighborhood on Sunday morning—”
“I’ll be sure to look you up.” Doc Allaway shook his hand.
“Please do.” Caleb’s lips curled into a smile. “Well, we could use another doctor in Whiskey River. Doc Morgan is overworked at present.”
“But then what would the fine folk of Laramie do?” Doc Allaway teased, giving Caleb’s shoulder a manly squeeze. “Well,if you don’t mind, I’m going to check in on Mrs. Hill and then I’m going to get some sleep.”
Caleb nodded. “We’ll come by to check on Ella and the babies in the morning. Thanks, Doc, for everything.”
“All in a day’s work.” The doctor smiled. “It’s a long drive to Whiskey River. You and the missus might want to stay the night here in Laramie and then head out in the morning.”
Caleb let out a deep breath. “It’s early yet. We’ll be fine.”
Mia’s smile faded. Of course, he wouldn’t want to stay the night and risk having to share a room with a woman he didn’t know, even if she was now his wife. When she had agreed to their arrangement, she knew that love was out of the question. But she wondered if he would ever come to care for her like a husband would a wife. Well… maybe someday.
Chapter 4
Caleb watched as Mia looked in on Ella. Colton was sitting in the rocking chair by the hospital bed with his two children as he watched Ella sleep. After she had the babies, the doctor transferred her to a bed.
“Colton,” she whispered from the doorway as Caleb looked on. “We’re leaving. Is there anything else we can do before we leave? Anything you need?”
Caleb couldn’t help but notice how beautiful Mia looked in the soft golden glow of the oil lamp. The way she pitched in and helped out during the crisis stirred something in his heart.
Mia held out her hand as Colton started to get up. “Don’t get up.”
“We’ll be fine.” Colton’s voice came from inside the room. “Mia, thank you.”
She nodded as she smiled. “Tell Ella we’ll come by to see her tomorrow morning.” She gently closed the door.
Caleb placed a hand on the small of her back as he looked over her shoulder. “Let’s go,” he whispered. The children were asleep on the floor, tired from the long wait. By all rights, he should rent a room in Laramie. But he wasn’t ready to share his bed with this woman… even if she was his wife. He sighed, knowing he could afford two rooms.
Mia turned to him and smiled, melting his heart. But he quickly pushed the emotion down. He had asked her to be his platonic wife, and he was determined to keep it that way.
His heart fluttered at just the simple act of touching her shoulders as he helped her on with her coat, but he quickly pushed the thought aside and turned to pick up his daughter.
“Pa?” she asked sleepily.
“It’s me, princess.” He kissed the top of her head and handed her to Mia. Then he bent down and picked up his son. “Shane? Are you hungry?”
Shane nodded as he nuzzled onto his shoulder and then sat bolt upright and wanted down, glaring at Mia.
“Come on, little man.” Caleb reached down and took his hand, and then placed his other hand on the small of Mia’s back. “Ready?”
She nodded and he escorted her out to his buckboard and helped her in, and then walked around and slid in beside her. Shane hopped into the back.
Caleb made a clicking sound with his mouth and the horses immediately started walking. “I’m proud of you, Mia.”
A smile lit her lips. “I was so worried about Ella.”
He nodded. “So was Colton.”
“Thank you for getting him out of the room when you did.” A laugh escaped her lips. “He was ready to punch the doctor, and then we would’ve really been in trouble.”