He let out a deep breath and nodded once.

“No! You save my wife!” Colton yelled as he started toward the doctor.

“Caleb!” Mia yelled, and he immediately appeared in the room. “Take him out of here!”

“Come on, buddy,” Caleb coaxed, edging him toward the waiting room. “The doc here is going to take good care of both your wife and the baby, but he can’t do his job if you interfere.”

“You save my wife!” Tears streamed down Colton’s face as he pointed at the doctor.

Caleb placed a hand on his chest, holding him back. “Colton! Let’s go!” he yelled, getting his attention. When Colton looked at him, he added, “She’s in good hands. Now, we need to get out of here so the doc can do his job.”

Colton nodded. “Ella, I love you! I’ll be right out here!”

“Yah!” she screamed in answer as another pain gripped her.

“Don’t push! Don’t push!” Doc Allaway instructed as he rolled up his sleeves. Then he covered her lower body with a sheet.

Mia didn’t know what to do so she held Ella’s hand. “Breathe, Ella. Don’t push. Everything’s going to be fine.”

“Okay. I’m going to turn the baby now,” the doctor instructed as he reached under the sheet.

Ella nearly broke Mia’s hand as she screamed.

“Hold on, Ella!” Doc Allaway coaxed. “You’re doing good. Don’t push!”

Ella dug her nails into Mia’s hand from squeezing it so tightly, but Mia said nothing.

“That’s it, Ella. Just breathe,” said Mia. “I’m here for you—”

“Okay,” Doc Allaway interrupted as relief washed over him. “The baby’s in position now. Go ahead and push.”

Ella pushed down hard as she screamed.

Mia placed a hand on her back to help her, never letting go of her hand.

“That’s it, Ella!” Doc Allaway urged, sweat beading on his forehead. “You’re doing just fine! Now, push one more time.”

“Yah!” Ella screamed again as she bore down.

A moment later, the sound of a baby crying filled the room.

“Ella, you’re the proud mother of a baby boy.” Doc Allaway laid the baby on Ella’s stomach, cut the cord, and wrapped him in a small blanket.

But Ella was still screaming. “What’s happening? Is something wrong?” Ella gasped, and then screamed as another pain rocked her body.

“Miss, take the baby,” Doc Allaway ordered Mia.

After taking the baby, Mia used the water from the basin to clean him up, and then swaddled him in a blanket.

Doc Allaway smiled. “You’re fine, Madame. But your job’s not over yet.”

“What?” Ella screamed as she panted.

The doctor smiled. “There’s another one.”

“Another baby?” Ella screamed, suddenly panicked.

“Yes, now hold still and don’t push yet,” Doc Allaway instructed. “I need to check you again to make sure the baby’s in position.”