“Well! What do you say we all go to the restaurant to celebrate?” Colton asked, smiling, obviously trying to lighten the mood.
“We would,” Caleb said as he took Hailey from his arms, “but I want to get the children home in case it starts snowing again. After the blizzard a few months ago, I don’t want to take the chance of getting caught out in the weather.”
Colton nodded, and then shook his hand, his expression suddenly serious. “You take care of my girl now.” Colton smiled at her encouragingly as he handed Hailey to her.
Mia was touched that Colton thought enough of her to tell him that. Back in New York, Colton had always been friendly and laid back when he came into the Breckenridge Saloon. Althoughhe rarely ever asked for a dance, he had always treated her and the other ladies with respect.
Caleb gave him a small smile. “I will.” He took Shane by the hand and shook Ella’s hand. “Thanks for everything, Ella. We couldn’t have done this without your help.”
Ella smiled, but it didn’t touch her eyes. Obviously, she wasn’t happy with the way he had treated her, either. “It was my pleasure, but make sure you take care of my best friend. She’s like a sister to me.”
Caleb nodded, understanding. “I will. Will you two be all right driving home?”
“We’ll be fine,” Colton replied as he handed Hailey to Caleb.
“Would you like us to follow you?” Caleb rubbed his daughter’s back as she settled her head on his shoulder.
“Yes, if you don’t mind.” Colton took a step closer, lowering his voice. “I don’t want us to be caught alone on the road if Ella goes into labor.”
“Yes, of course. It’s the least we could do,” Caleb said as he held Shane’s hand.
Colton nodded. “Well, then let’s go home.”
“Thank you both for doing this.” Caleb shook his hand, and then turned to Mia. “Ready?”
Mia nodded. Ella pulled her in for another hug and whispered in her ear. “Don’t worry. We’ll see you soon. Mia, I know you’re overwhelmed right now, but everything will work out fine. Just give it time. And if you need me, just let me know.” Ella suddenly bent over and held her stomach as her face scrunched up in pain.
“Ella, what’s wrong?” Mia asked, her eyebrows pulling together in concern.
Ella closed her eyes tightly and Mia’s heart sank.
“Ella?” Colton placed his hand on his wife’s back, suddenly panicked. “Honey, what’s wrong?”
She shook her head and forced a smile, straightening up. “I’m fine… really.”
“Ella, you shouldn’t have come. I thought the doctor had you on bed rest,” Mia said, concerned. “I had no idea you were feeling so poorly.”
Ella fought to catch her breath. “I wanted to come see you. I mean, you just came into town.”
“Everything’s going just fine. But you shouldn’t be concerned with me. You should concentrate only on yourself.” Mia bit her lower lip, feeling guilty. “When is the baby due?”
Ella gave her a weak smile. “Not for another month.”
Guilt filled Mia’s heart. “I’m so sorry. I should have come sooner.”
“Oh, hush.” Ella held onto Colton’s arm to steady herself. “You’ve had your hands full. Don’t you spend one moment worrying about me.” She bit her lower lip and then dug her nails into Colton’s arm as another pain grabbed her. “Mia, I really should be getting back. I’ve been on my feet more than I should today.”
“I’ll go get the buckboard.” Colton looked up at Mia and Caleb. “Stay with her. I’ll be right back.”
“Of course.” Mia nodded as Colton rushed off. Mia held Ella’s arm, steadying her. “Ella, we have to get you to a doctor—”
“No, Mia.” Ella grabbed her arm. “I’m fine.” Then a pain gripped her stomach, and she dug her nails into Mia’s arm, biting her lower lip. It was obvious that Ella was trying to hide the pain. “I’m so sorry, Mia. This is your wedding day.”
“Ella, don’t worry about that. You need a doctor.” Mia looked at her friend in concern. “Let’s at least go to a restaurant so you can rest. What happens if you have the baby on the way back home with no midwife or doctor?” Mia glanced at Caleb with pleading eyes, and he nodded.
“Ella, let’s go to a restaurant to celebrate, like Colton suggested,” Caleb chimed in. “At least you’ll be able to sit down for a spell to see if the pain goes away.”
Relief washed over Mia when she saw that Caleb was focused on Ella, still holding Hailey. Mia reached for Shane’s hand, but he pulled away, holding onto his father’s coattail.