She smiled, grateful for his concern. “Yes, of course.”

He grinned, obviously pleased. “You look beautiful.”

Mia blushed at the compliment. “Thank you, and you look very handsome.”

Caleb smiled as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I’ll see you after the service.”

He walked to the back and opened the doors to greet the first parishioners to arrive. He shook their hands, and they headed toward the left, but cast their gaze toward her. When their eyes connected, they gave her a welcoming smile and waved, which helped to ease Mia’s nerves.

The church filled up quickly, and Caleb greeted them all, cordial to each one. They all shook his hand warmly and took their seats. Many of the women approached Mia and welcomed her to the church and to the community. Mia thanked all of them, and a few had even invited her over for afternoon tea. But she told them that even though she appreciated the invitation,she was kept quite busy at home settling in at present. Satisfied, they smiled graciously and took their seats.

Just before the service started, Ella walked in with Colton right behind her with his hand on the small of her back as they carried in their two new children. The color was back in Ella’s face and she looked much better. Colton had guided his wife to sit in the back pew, but Mia motioned for them to sit up front with her. She swung Hailey up on her hip and headed toward them.

“Ella, Colton, come sit with me.” Mia smiled as she hugged her friend. “I’ll help with the babies.”

Ella chuckled. “Mia, you have plenty to worry about than us.”

“Nonsense,” Mia replied, giving her an encouraging smile. “Come up to the front… please.”

Ella chuckled. “Well, if you insist.”

Mia linked her arm with Ella’s. “I’ve missed you.” She led her to the front of the church as Colton followed.

“I’ve missed you, too,” Ella replied.

Guilt filled Mia at her words. “I’m so sorry. I’m afraid that I haven’t been the best friend lately.”

“Oh, hush,” Ella replied, walking slowly down the aisle. “You’ve had your hands full with settling in, I’m sure.” Ella held her hand, looking into her eyes. “And you’ve been the best friend I could ever want.”

Once Ella was settled in the front pew, Colton sat on one side of his wife and Mia sat on the other. She looked around for Shane. He hadn’t come in yet, and the service was about to start.

Mia squeezed Ella’s hand. “I’ll be right back.”

Ella nodded, smiling as she adjusted herself in the pew.

Mia grabbed Hailey and headed to the back of the church and approached Caleb, who was finishing up greeting anotherparishioner. “Caleb,” she whispered. “Could you call for Shane? He hasn’t come in yet.”

He nodded, and then turned to another parishioner.

Mia went back to the front pew to sit beside Ella and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

A blonde woman and her husband approached a moment later.

“Mia, you know Wyatt Nash, and this is his wife, Madison,” Ella said. She started to get up, but Madison stopped her and turned to Mia.

“It’s good to see you again, Wyatt,” Mia said as he pulled her in for a one-armed hug. Then, Mia offered her hand to Madison. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Madison shook it. “The pleasure’s all mine.”

“I’m glad you came, Mia,” Wyatt said, sliding his arm around his wife.

Mia laughed. “Yeah, you left a mess in New York.”

Wyatt shrugged unapologetically. “Sorry about that, but it was unavoidable.”

Mia smiled. “Not to worry. It’s good to see you here in church, though.”

Wyatt chuckled, pulling his wife to his side. “Well, you have Madison to thank for that. She roped and hogtied me and dragged me in.”