He said a blessing over the meal, and then added, “Let’s eat.”

She smiled as she spooned some mashed potatoes onto her plate along with a chicken breast, and he did the same.

Then, he sliced the bread. “Where did you ever learn how to make bread like this? It looks delicious.”

Blush colored her cheeks. “I used to help my mother make homemade bread when I was younger.”

Caleb nodded, noticing that she didn’t say “before she died”. He pushed the thought aside, wanting to keep the mood lightas he took a bite of his chicken leg. “This is delicious. Mia, you really outdid yourself.”

She smiled as she buttered a slice of bread. “Actually, Mrs. Jenkins showed me how.”

His eyes opened wide. “You mean to tell me that this was the first time you’ve ever made fried chicken?”

She nodded, obviously pleased with his reaction. “In fact, I’ve learned a lot… since I came here.”

“Really?” He took a bite of the creamy mashed potatoes. “You lived alone, so you obviously took care of a house before.”

She nodded as she took a bite of her bread. “I knew how to take care of and run a house, but I’ve never been around children. I was an only child.”

Caleb nodded. “Well, you’re great with mine.”

She nodded as her smile faded. “Actually, I hope you don’t mind, but I feel as if they’re mine, too. They’re wonderful children. You have a lot to be proud of.”

Caleb smiled appreciatively. “Well, Jessica had a lot to do with that….” His voice trailed off.

Mia reached over and touched his hand, forcing him to look in to her eyes. “You know, you can talk to me about her. You were married for a long time, and she left an impact on your life. I can’t expect for you to eliminate her from your life entirely.” She held his hand, and he didn’t pull away. “And I wouldn’t want you to.”

His heart stirred, touched by her words. “Mia, you really are quite special.” What woman would talk to him about his late wife… as a friend? He pulled his hand away. “I appreciate that, but not tonight.”

Mia nodded, turning her attention back to her food.

“So, what did you do for the holidays?” he asked, not sure why.

She shrugged. “This year, I spent it alone. I worked on Christmas Eve, and then I was off on Christmas morning.”

He nodded as he took another bite of his chicken leg, and a moan involuntarily escaped his lips.

Mia let out a deep breath as she leaned back in her chair. “Caleb, may I ask you a question?”

His eyebrows pulled together in concern. “Yes, you can ask me anything.” He reached over and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

She bit her lower lip and released it. “Caleb, does it bother you that I was a dancehall girl?”

He smiled, shaking his head. “No, not at all. When they see what a good dancer you are, I’ll be the envy of all the men here in town.”

Mia pulled back her hand and lowered her eyes.

“Hey….” Caleb reached over and placed a finger gingerly under her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. “I was only joking. I’m sorry. I never meant to offend you.”

She nodded.

“Mia,” he said as he held her hand. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. In fact, I admire you for doing what you had to do in order to survive.”

“Well, I just wanted you to know that I only danced with men. Nothing more.”

He nodded, understanding. “What you did before we met is of no consequence. I understand that you had a life before we met.”

Mia gave him a small smile and started eating again.