Mia and Ella spent the rest of the long ride to Whiskey River talking and getting caught up on things after not having seen each other for so long. But before long, they came to a farmhouse with a long drive, blanketed in snow.

“Well, this is it!” Ella announced. “Home sweet home.”

Mia took in the wraparound front porch, and the big house with the barn in the back. “Oh, Ella! It’s lovely! It suits you both perfectly.”

“Thank you.” Ella cringed when the wagon jolted to a stop.

“Are you okay?” Mia asked.

Ella held a finger to her lips. “I’m fine, but please don’t tell Colton anything. He worries too much.”

Mia smiled, nodding in agreement. After all that she and Ella had been through together, it was good to see her so happy. A lot had changed in such a short period of time. They had both gone from being single dancehall girls to married women in less than a year. The good Lord sure did work in strange ways.

“Well, this is it!” Colton announced, walking around from the front of the buckboard. “Here. I’ll take him.” Colton took the baby boy from Ella’s hands as if he were precious cargo. And he really was.

“Here. I’ll help.” Caleb reached for the baby and Colton handed him to him.

Then Colton climbed up into the back of the buckboard and helped Ella to the end. Once she was ready, he jumped off and scooped her up into his arms with ease.

“Land’s sake!” Ella announced, trying to brush him off. “I can walk. I’m not an invalid.”

Colton shook his head and smiled, obviously enjoying the feel of his wife in his arms a bit too much. “Not while I’m around. You just had the babies yesterday and you need me to take care of you.”

Ella just shook her head as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “If you say so, dear.”

A triumphant smile spread across his lips. “Now, that’s more like it!”

“Oh, stop it!” Ella hit him playfully on the chest.

Colton started to walk away, but said to Caleb over his shoulder, “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

Caleb laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. “We’ll be right here.” After he was gone, he glanced over at Mia and smiled. “What did he think? That we were going to take off with his children?” Then he helped her down out of the wagon, both of them holding the babies, and then they helped Hailey down, too.

Mia laughed, adjusting the baby in her arms. “No, he’s just being a good husband and a good father.”

Caleb’s smile faded, nodding in agreement.

A moment later, Colton bounded down the stairs and took his daughter from Mia’s arms. “Come on in, preacher. Stay a while.”

Caleb shook his head. “No, thank you. We’ll help you get settled in, but we have to be getting home. I’d bet ol’ Bessy is about to bust right now.” When he saw Mia’s eyebrows pull together in concern, he added, “Bessy’s our milk cow.”

“Well, while you men talk, I’m going inside to say goodbye to Ella.” Mia hurried down the walk, up the stairs, and then opened the door. “Ella?”

“In here!” Ella’s voice came from another room.

Mia walked in her direction and stepped into her bedroom. Ella was in bed, lying on her side. “Feeling okay?”

Ella nodded. “I just need to rest.”

Mia crossed the room and gave her friend a kiss on the forehead. “Take care of yourself and get some rest. I’ll see you soon.”

A smile spread across Ella’s lips as her eyes began to close. “See you Sunday.”

With that, Mia walked out and met Colton and Caleb in the living room. Hailey was holding onto her father’s coattail, yawning. Mia scooped her up into her arms and Hailey laid her head on Mia’s shoulder. “Ella’s nearly asleep.” Then she glanceddown at Hailey. “And it looks as if someone else is ready for a nap, too.”

Colton nodded. “I’ll be right back.” He headed into the bedroom and was back within seconds and took the other baby from Caleb. Smiling, he looked into Caleb’s eyes. “Thanks for everything.”

Caleb gave his shoulder a manly squeeze. “No, thank you. What you did for us… well—”