Mia chuckled. “Would you like to join us for breakfast? Then we can walk back together. We were going to come right over to check on Ella and the babies right after we ate.”

Colton shook his head. “No, thank you. But maybe I’ll join you for a cup of coffee while I wait?”

“Of course!” Mia grinned just as Caleb walked down the stairs carrying her trunk.

“Here. Let me help you with that.” Colton rushed over and took one side.

“Thanks, Colton! It’s good to see you here this morning.” Caleb adjusted his grip.

Mia felt a bit ashamed for having brought so much with her. After all, she had been a dancehall girl and had lots of clothes. She had to. Her job depended on it.

Caleb glanced over at her as they passed. “Go ahead and get us a table. We’ll be right back.” They walked over to the front of the lobby and set the trunk down by the wall. Caleb said something to the front desk clerk and then he and Colton walked out.

Mia let out a deep breath, knowing she was going to have to have a long talk with him. She wasn’t used to being told what to do. She hadn’t been in a long time, and she wasn’t about to start now.

Mia stepped into the restaurant and a gentleman approached, carrying menus. “Joining us for breakfast?” He looked at her with interest, even though she had two children with her.

“Yes, for my husband, my children and me, and a friend. Five in all,” Mia replied flatly.

“Yes, of course.” The man’s smile disappeared as he cleared his throat. “Right this way, madam.”

It seemed strange to be referred to as madam and to have an instant family. But even though it had been less than twenty-four hours, she truly felt that this family was hers now, too.

The waiter laid the menus on a large round table. “Here you go, ma’am.”

“Thank you.” The gentleman held the chair as she sat with Hailey on her lap. Shane slid onto another seat without incident. At that moment, Mia was grateful to Colton for having had the man-to-man talk with him about women, much to her surprise. But it was refreshing to see a man wanting to teach a boy how to become a man, even at Shane’s age.

“Could I start you off with some coffee?” the waiter asked.

“Yes. Three cups, please, and two lemonades.” Mia gave him a courteous smile and then turned her attention back to the menu.

“Right away, ma’am.” The waiter hurried away to do their bidding.

Shane straightened his back and picked up a menu. It was upside down, but he looked so cute trying to read it.

“So, what are you going to have?” she asked Shane, enjoying him trying to act like a man.

“Umm… I’m not sure, but the pancakes look good.”

Mia covered her laugh with a cough. “I make really good pancakes… and French toast, too.”

Shane ignored her and went back to pretending to look at the menu. But at least he wasn’t running around the restaurant this time.

Caleb and Colton walked into the restaurant and Mia waved them over.

“We took care of the trunk and the rig,” Caleb said as he sat down beside Mia. Colton took the other seat. “It’s parked right out front.” Then he turned to Colton. “Thanks for helping me with the trunk. That thing’s heavy.”

Colton’s eyes danced as he glanced over at Mia. “It sure was.”

Mia straightened her back. “Well, a lady needs her things.”

Colton laughed. “Yes, that’s what Ella tells me, too.”

“How are Ella and the babies?” Caleb asked.

Colton grinned. “They’re doing just fine. I have to be getting back soon. Don’t want to leave her with two screaming babies alone for too long.”

“Isn’t the doctor there?” Mia asked.