Mia went next door and got her hairbrush, two rubber bands, and some ribbon. She was going to just walk right in, but thought better of it, opting to knock lightly.

“Come on in, Mia.”

When she walked inside, Caleb was sitting on the edge of the bed, slipping on his boots. Mia’s heart fluttered, noticing how Caleb’s white shirt flattered his naturally tanned skin. But she pushed the thought aside and headed over to the vanity. “Hailey, would you like me to do your hair?”

“She doesn’t need you,” Shane muttered under his breath.

“Shane,” Caleb warned. “Let’s not get that started again.”

Mia ignored the jab. “Shane, after I’m finished with Hailey, I’ll brush your hair, too.”

“No, thank you.”

“Oh yes, you’ll let her,” Caleb intervened. “Your hair’s a mess and I don’t have a hairbrush, since we weren’t planning on staying here in Laramie. So, let her do your hair, too, when she’s ready.”

Shane huffed and folded his arms across his chest, glaring at Mia.

She sighed, making a mental note to try and find a way to reach him. But for now, she turned her attention back to Hailey. “Come on, little girl.” She picked her up and set her on the dainty bench seat at the white, wooden vanity. She brushed her beautiful curls, careful not to hurt her, and then braided first one side and then the other. Then she tied the pigtails off with rubber bands and added shiny blue ribbons to the ends. When she was finished, Mia placed her hands on Hailey’s shoulders and looked at her in the mirror. “Well, what do you think?”

A broad grin spread across the little girl’s face. “Pretty!”

Without a second thought, Mia bent down and gave her shoulders a squeeze, placing her cheek against the little girl’s as they both looked in the mirror. “Beautiful.”

Hailey jumped down off the bench and scampered off to her father. “Look!” She turned her head proudly from side to side.

Caleb scooped her into his arms. “You look like a princess.” Then he kissed her cheek.

Mia patted the stool, looking at Shane. “Okay! Your turn.”

“No! You’re not touching me!” he shouted, folding his arms across his chest.

Mia was sure the neighbors heard.

“What was that, young man?” A crease formed between Caleb’s eyes.

“Hmph!” Shane hopped down, his footsteps heavy against the wooden floor. Then he plopped down hard on the seat and folded his arms across his chest again, glaring at Mia in the mirror, as if daring her to make him look presentable.

“Let’s see here.” Mia smiled, trying to lighten the mood as she picked up her hair brush and ran it through his light blond hair. A moment later, every hair was in place. “Now, isn’t that better?”

He glared at her and then jumped down off the bench.

A crease formed between Caleb’s eyes, obviously not pleased with his son’s behavior. Then he turned his attention back to Mia. “Why don’t you take the children downstairs to the restaurant while I carry your trunk down?”

“We’ll wait for you downstairs,” Mia replied as she took Hailey’s hand. “Ready?”

Hailey nodded vigorously, her eyes wide.


He let out a deep breath and then stormed out of the room.

Caleb shook his head. “I’m so sorry. He never behaves this way. It’s just been so hard—”

“He’ll come around,” Mia cut him off, looking into his eyes. At that moment, she vowed to try and make life easier for them, if not anything else.

Caleb shook his head, glaring at his son. “Well, I hope he comes around a bit sooner than later.”

Mia gave him a reassuring smile. “He will.” When she headed out the door holding Hailey’s hand, Shane was sitting in the hallway, stooped down on the floor.