After they were through eating, he sat back and let out a deep breath. “That was delicious.”
“Merci beaucoup,”she cooed. “But I had help.”
He smiled. “No, youdid this. Not me.” Before she could object, he rose from his seat, excited as a child, and reached for her hand. “Come on, Gabby. Let’s see what Santa brought.”
Gabriella smiled, his excitement contagious. “You didn’t have to get me anything!”
“Oh yes, I did,” he teased as he pulled her arm toward the tree. “Let’s go!”
Gabriella laughed. “You’re as bad as a child.”
“You have no idea.” He quickly threw some hand-sewn couch pillows on the floor by the tree to open presents. “I used to love Christmas when I was a child.”
“I’m glad to see that you still do.” She chuckled, shaking her head as she let him lead her to a pillow.
Dirk sat on the other pillow by the Christmas tree, filled with gold, red, and green homemade decorations. “Yes… now that you’re here to share it with me.” He leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Are you ready for your present?”
She nodded, her eyes wide, but felt a bit guilty, not knowing how long she would be there. But she pushed the thought aside, determined to enjoy her time with Dirk.
Buster curled up on the floor between them and wagged his tail.
“Close your eyes.”
She laughed and did as he asked, closing her eyes tightly, waiting as her heart fluttered.
“Okay. Open your eyes.”
When she opened them, he held out a brightly wrapped package, beige with holly leaves and berries, tied with a white lace ribbon. “What in the world?”
Dirk beamed with delight.
Gabriella slowly peeled away the wrapping paper, revealing a gold box. She looked up at him and smiled, shaking her head. “Dirk, what did you do?” When she opened it, the most beautiful gold necklace she had ever seen lay in the box with a heart-shaped gold locket, adorned with intricate scrollwork. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she slowly ran her fingertips over it.
“Oh no!” Dirk grasped her upper arms, panicked. “You don’t like it. I’m so sorry. I’ll take it back—”
“Oh no, you won’t!” she croaked when she finally found her voice. “C'est la plus belle chose que j'ai vu dans ma vie.”
Dirk bit his upper lip to suppress a smile. “English, please?”
She looked up at him and smiled through her tears. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
Dirk smiled as he let out a sigh of relief and pulled her to his chest.
After a moment, she sat back. “Will you help me?” she asked as she held the necklace out to him.
“It would be my pleasure, my lady.” He carefully undid the clasp, and she moved her hair aside as he fastened it aroundher neck. It fell onto her chest and came to rest just above her bosom.
“It’s lovely.” She beamed, looking in his eyes as she touched it. “Dirk, thank you so much.”
He raised his eyebrows. “You really like it?”
She nodded, smiling as tears came to her eyes again. “I really do.C’est beau.”
He smiled. “English?”
She gave him a kind smile. “It’s beautiful.”
“I’m so glad you like it,” he cooed, reaching for her hand.