Gabriella nodded as she and Mrs. Carson smiled conspiratorially at one another.

“Is this everything?” Dirk asked, pointing to the rest of the items that Gabriella had set on the counter. “Is there anything else you’d like?”

“No, but thank you.” Gabriella laughed. “I think I bought out the store as it is!”

“Not quite.” Mrs. Carson chimed. “We still have some cinnamon sticks left, too, if you’re interested.”

“Yes,” Dirk replied before Gabriella could answer. “We’ll take them, and throw in some loose candy, too.”

Gabriella giggled. “You’ll rot out your teeth.”

Dirk’s lips curled into a smile. “Oh, this isn’t for me. It’s for you.” Gabriella was about to object, until he placed his finger on her lips. “Besides, it’s Christmas.”

Gabriella had an idea and turned to Mrs. Carson. “Do you have any cocoa, too?”

Mrs. Carson nodded as she pulled a small tin off the shelf. “Would you like some?”

Gabriella nodded. “Yes, please.”

A broad smile spread across Dirk’s face. “We can make some hot cocoa later this evening, if you like.”

“But I’m paying for everything.” Gabriella dug into her reticule once again. “It’s the least I could do—”

“Not hardly.” Dirk placed his hand over her bag. He already had his money out and handed it to Mrs. Carson. “Now, I think we’d better get out of here before we really do buy out the whole store.”

Gabriella laughed. “Here, let me pay for it. I insist—”

But Dirk shook his head. “No, I was only joking. I just have to stop by the sheriff’s office for a moment.” Dirk looked outside and the day was beginning to fade. “Do you mind? It looks as if we still have a bit of time.”

Gabriella shook her head. “No, not at all. It’ll be good to see Daxton again and to ask after Mrs. Hill.”

A few minutes later, Mrs. Carson had tallied the other items.

“Thank you, Mrs. Carson.” Dirk grinned as he took his change and picked up the box of groceries, while Gabriella discreetly gathered the purchases she had made before he arrived.

“Merry Christmas!” Mrs. Carson chirped happily as she placed the money in the till and slammed it shut.

“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Carson!” Gabriella waved to her one last time over her shoulder.

When they walked outside, the sleigh was parked right by the door. “If you don’t mind,” Dirk decided, “I’m going to set these things in the sleigh, and then we can go to the sheriff’s office.”

She nodded, waiting.

“Gabriella!” a feminine voice called to her from down the wooden walkway. “You’re all right! I was so worried!”

Gabriella glanced in her direction, surprised. “Kenzie! It’s good to see you again! I was hoping I’d see you here!” Gabriella gave her a quick hug. “So, have you opened your dress shop yet?”

Kenzie let out a deep breath. “I have the building, but it’s going to take a bit of work to get it into shape.”

Gabriella gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Well, if anyone can do it, it’s you.” She glanced over at Dirk, waiting patiently on the walkway. “Dirk, this is Kenzie Baker, the new dressmaker in town. We met on the train.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Kenzie beamed, giving him her hand, palm down.

Dirk gently kissed it, the perfect gentleman. “The pleasure is mine.”

Kenzie smiled, clearly pleased. “Well, I have to go. Will you be at the church tomorrow evening? It’s Christmas Eve….”

Gabriella nodded. “Yes, of course. Are you going, too?”