Dirk nodded, spending the rest of the sleigh ride telling her about all of the townsfolk of Whiskey River that she hadn’t met yet. They sounded wonderful to Gabriella. They seemed to accept new people who moved there readily, since nearly everyone came from another part of the country. She hoped they would accept her, too, even as a visitor.
Soon, they pulled into town, and it was just how she had expected. They rode past Dirk’s livery stable. Gabriella’s heartskipped a beat as she viewed the town, which was quickly becoming familiar to her. “I love this town. It’s perfect.”
Dirk pulled the sleigh to a stop in front of the general store. “Why don’t you go shopping?” he suggested, looping the reins around the pole that stretched across the sleigh, serving as a handle. “I’ll check on the stable and will meet you there.” He got out of the sleigh, walked around it, and offered her his hand to help her down. “Oh! And I want you to charge everything to my account.”
“Oh, no,” Gabriella objected, catching the attention of some ladies on the wooden walkway. “I have money—”
“No, you don’t!” He smiled as he helped her safely onto the walkway, and then climbed back into the sleigh. “I won’t be long.”
“See that you aren’t!” Gabriella teased, her heart futtering as she watched him drive away.
A few ladies nodded as they walked by, giving her friendly smiles.
Gabriella nodded, returning their smiles as she headed into the general store. The bell on the door rang loudly, alerting the shopkeepers.
“Well, well!” cooed Mrs. Carson, her brown, mousy hair pulled back in a severe bun. “It’s nice to see you again.”
“Bonjour, Madame Carson,” Gabriella gave her a warm smile. “It’s nice to see you again, too.”
Mrs. Carson nodded. “I just love your accent! I don’t think I’ll ever tire of hearing you speak.”
“Actually, I’m here to shop, if you don’t mind,” she beamed and then added as an afterthought, “We don’t have much time before Christmas.”
“Oh!” Mrs. Carson exclaimed as a broad smile spread across her face, obviously remembering the amount of money she had spent in her shop before.
It reminded Gabriella too much of why she had run away in the first place. In the short time she had been in Whiskey River, Gabriella was enjoying her anonymity, of being treated like everyone else, and of being seen for who she was and not for her title or wealth.
“Well, if I can help you with anything, anything at all—”
“Yes, yes. I’ll be sure to let you know.” Gabriella smiled as she walked away. On the table laid lace and ribbons in gold, silver, green, and red, along with colored paper and even some plain ornaments. “How much are these?”
“Oh, you don’t want those!” Mrs. Carson dismissed them with a wave of her hand. “Those are for people who can’taffordmore.” She walked across the store to a shelf with crystal, gold, and other ready-made ornaments. “Now, whatyouwant is over here.”
Gabriella shook her head. “No, actually. It would be fun for Dirk and me to make ornaments together.”
“You’re still staying with Mr. Price?” Mrs. Carson asked, raising an eyebrow.
Gabriella nodded, ignoring the woman’s prying. Then, a thought occurred to her. “Mrs. Carson, do you happen to have a copy of the bookLe Comte de Monte-Cristoby Alexandre Dumas?”
“Yes, but—”
“May I see it?” Gabriella asked, cutting her off.
“Sure… yes… right this way,” Mrs. Carson announced, proudly leading the way. She reverently picked up a hardcover book and handed it to Gabriella.
It was the most beautiful book Gabriella had seen in a very long time. “I’ll take it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Gabriella thought for a moment. “Do you also happen to haveThe Nutcrackerby Alexandre Dumas?”
Mrs. Carson nodded. “Yes, we do.” She took it off the shelf and handed it to her, too.
Gabriella noticed that Mrs. Carson was hovering, watching her every move, but she didn’t let it bother her. Instead, she enjoyed the moment. The cover was gold, and when she opened it, colorful decorations adorned the pages. “I’ll take it.” She smiled without looking up.
“Which one would you like?”
“Both,” she replied, and the shopkeeper just stared at her. “I’d like to buy them now before Dirk gets back, if you don’t mind. They’re presents, so please don’t tell him.”