She gave him a small smile and took his arm to let him guide her outside.
Dirk gently patted her hand. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”
She nodded and watched as he disappeared around the corner, headed toward the barn. Gabriella took in the snow-covered forest that stretched out before the house. The sun started to set, sending shoots of orange, pink, and purple across the sky through the snowflakes. A moment later, Dirk pulled around with the sleigh, reminding her so much of Santa’s sleigh that it was uncanny.
“Whoa there, Winter,” Dirk said as he brought the pure white stallion pulling the sleigh to a stop. He jumped out of the sleigh, walked up the wooden stairs, and offered her his hand.
“Where’s Angel?” Even though Gabriella hadn’t known Dirk for long, she could see how attached he was to his horse.
Dirk smiled as he slid into the sleigh beside her. “After today’s journey, she needed to rest.”
A crease formed between Gabriella’s eyes. “Did you find them?”
He let out a deep breath. “We followed them for a while, but then we lost them. It started snowing again and covered their tracks.”
“It’s a good thing that it’s not coming down so hard now.” Gabriella’s eyes were filled with concern. “Do you think it’s wise to go into town tonight? We might get snowed in—”
“Harrison usually has extra rooms available.”
Gabriella nodded.
They rode in silence for a while and then Dirk broke it. “Would you mind if I ask you a question?”
Although she knew she may regret it, she nodded. “It just depends upon what it is.”
Dirk chuckled. “Fair enough.” Dirk thought for a moment and then asked, “Earlier, did you really mean it when you said that you couldn’t wait to go back home?”
Gabriella looked away. She did at the time, but now…. “I was just upset.”
Dirk nodded but didn’t look at her. “But you’ll leave as soon as the pass opens?”
She let out a deep breath. It was a good question. And as for the answer, only time would tell. “My uncle is probably worried.”
Dirk nodded. “Yes, of course… your uncle.”
They rode in silence the rest of the way, both lost in their own thoughts. Originally, she wanted to go on adventure. But now, it was turning into something more… although she wasn’t sure what it was just yet.
When they arrived at the restaurant, the snow was falling harder than it was before.
“I’ll pull up to let you out at the restaurant and I’ll be there shortly,” Dirk announced, a reassuring smile coloring his lips.
But Gabriella placed a hand on his arm. “No, I’ll wait with you, and we can walk to the restaurant together.”
Dirk studied her for a moment and then smiled. “If you insist.”
“I do.”
When he stepped down, his suit coat opened, revealing a gun belt holding two revolvers strapped down to his legs. When he saw that she noticed, he smirked. “Just in case.”
She nodded as she forced a smile. Seeing his guns reminded her of the danger still lurking. Gabriella just hoped that Dirk and the sheriff had scared them off earlier and that her kidnappers would leave her alone.
“Happy Thanksgiving!” Millie greeted them both when they walked into the restaurant and then gave them both a hug. “Sheriff Clark and his children are saving places for you, if you’d like to join them.”
“Over here!” Daxton smiled when he saw them walk in and motioned for them to come over. “We saved you seats!”
Dirk looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. “Shall we?”
Gabriella grinned and nodded. “Yes, of course.”