“So, what would you like to do for Christmas?” Dirk asked over breakfast the morning of December 23rd.
Gabriella shrugged. “What would you like to do?” She smiled as she squeezed his hand.
He was getting used to her little touches, as well as the smiles she bestowed upon him. Since she had been there, she seemed calmer, less nervous, and much more relaxed. He didn’t dare ask her more about from where she came or her family. Just having her there was enough… for now. He would press her harder after Christmas. But now, he just wanted to enjoy the time they had together.
“Well, we could go to church,” Dirk mused, holding her hand. “Reverend Henley always has a lovely service on Christmas Eve.”
Gabriella smiled.
“And then we could come home and read the story of Jesus’s birth and ‘A Visit from St. Nicolas.’”
A crease formed between her eyes. “‘A Visit from St. Nicholas?’”
Dirk smiled. “Yes. It’s a poem written here in America about Santa Claus.” He shrugged. “But many Americans call it ‘’Twas the Night Before Christmas’ from the first line of the poem.”
Gabriella giggled. “I can’t wait to hear it.”
He smiled. Dirk knew he was taking a big chance, but he was enjoying the time he had with Gabriella, for as long as that might be.
“Then we can drink hot cocoa by the fire,” she added, smiling.
“Sounds like a plan.” Dirk rose from the kitchen table and placed his dishes in the sink. He and Gabriella had developed a routine. She made coffee every morning, and they cooked breakfast together. Then, she did the dishes while Dirk tended to the cattle and horses. “Are you ready to go?”
“Are you sure you want to go into town today?” she asked as she placed her dishes in the sink beside him.
He turned around with his back to the counter as a thrill ran through him. “Sure. Like I said, I know these woods like the back of my hand.”
Gabriella smiled. “Well, then, good! I’d like to see Millie again.”
He lifted an eyebrow, pleased at her reaction. He looked outside at the bright snow covering the ground. “Since the snow stopped falling for the moment, I thought this was as good a time as any to go into town and check on things.” Also, he wanted to speak with the sheriff to see if there was any more word about the Dougherty Boys. Even though he was sure they were long gone and they probably wouldn’t have any more trouble from them, he didn’t want to take the chance. Not with Gabriella.
She patted his hand. “I’ll have a cup of coffee with Millie while I wait.”
“Well,” Dirk persisted, “I thought you might want to get some more things from the general store to make more decorations for the tree.”
Gabriella let out a deep breath.
“And your money is no good,” Dirk added. “This is my treat. I thought you might like to pick out a few things for our Christmas celebration.”
She smiled in answer. “If you insist—”
“I do,” he cut her off, pleased that she wanted to go.
She smiled. “Why don’t you go out and take care of the ranch while I do the dishes and clean the kitchen?”
Dirk chuckled. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
“Yes!” she teased, brushing him away with a dishtowel. “And you’re in my way.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He slid into his coat and put on his hat, enjoying watching her take charge.
She had come a long way in the short time that she had been there. As he walked outside into the cold to take care of thehorses. Dirk’s head was filled with thoughts of Gabriella. He was looking forward to Christmas… for the first time in a very long while.
Chapter 13
Gabriella changed her clothes into a dark green, floor-length dress, fitted at the waist and full-skirted from the waist to the floor. She found a few modesty pieces in a drawer, so she pulled out a white one and tucked it in around her neck and into the low neckline. She wrapped a fine white scarf around her waist and tied it in a bow in the back. She loved fashion and trying new things with clothes. It was strange, but she didn’t miss her clothes or fine things in Monaco at all.