How had I missed that?
“It occurs to me,” Alaric commented idly. “That your stepdaughter is still missing.” In the blade, he regarded me pointedly. “Or is she?”
A shriek of rage tore from me. “That isnotpossi?—”
“Anything is possible, pet. Or have you already forgotten all the realms I showed you? Trust me when I say all the permutations of reality and possibility exceed evenyourwildestdreams.”
“Gwyneira could not?—”
“Maybe it’s not her. Maybe it’s someone else. But the point remains the wallhasbeen breached, and not by you.” He shook his head with such theatrical sadness, I wanted to murder him again. “Powerful queen you may be, but someone out there is obviously more powerful than even you fancy yourself to be.”
I made a furious noise. “It’s not enough to taunt me, now you have torhymeas well?”
He chuckled. “Why not? If you’re going to fail, I might as well find another way to entertain myself.”
“I am not failing!” I flung the blade away. It hit the wall hard enough to send chips of stone flying before the metal clattered to the marble floor.
My entire body shook. Howdarethis bastard—this damn creation ofmy own mind—speak to me like I wasn’t queen of this whole realm?
“Almostthe whole realm.” Alaric’s tiny voice came from the blade by the base of the wall.
I spun away, striding toward my throne again. That was a better place from which to think anyway.
Proudly, I took my seat once more.
Iwasqueen. Of Aneira and Gentresqua and the entire damn world.
There was no one more powerful than me.
“Then why do you hold yourself back?”
I raised my hand to knock aside the silver throne to my right, only to pause. The brushed metal held a strange shadow, like more than his face was present in the dull reflective surface.
Like a shadow of his body was there as well, seated idly beside me.
I shuddered, lowering my hand. I was striking at shadows when I’d already confirmed it was my own mind speaking, not the ghost of a dead bastard I’d defeated.
But he—I—had a point. “How am I holding myself back?”
He chuckled, the shadow moving like he’d shifted position on the throne to converse with me. “By not taking full advantage of what you’ve already made. Think about it, pet. You have all my power. You’ve created these beautifully toxic apple trees throughout the land. And if you simply let those trees of yours digdeeperand spreadfarther, you could do more than twist the ley lines. You could shred that wall, conquer what remains of this world, and reach out into all the other worlds beyond this one as well. You could conquer so much more than one silly little realm.”
I eyed the strange shadow. “That would tear this world apart.”
He scoffed. “And you’re meant for more than this anyway. You always have been. You don’t need to limit yourself to onlythispetty world. Not when you could rule over so many more.”The shadow leaned closer. “You could be an empress. A goddess.Thegoddess, above which none can stand. Surely that’s better than restraining yourself to being a merequeen.”
I was silent, my eyes narrowing with suspicion at his pretty words. But was that all they were? Mere flattery designed to manipulate me?
Or was my mind speaking truth to me instead?
“I can do both,” I said. “Iwill. I can destroy the wall and take those realms, but still rule as a goddess from this one as well.”
A trick of the light made it seem as if his metallic teeth glinted in the air, grinning.
“Prove it, pet.”