I looked from the demon to Lars. Eyes intent with focus, the blond giant held his hands outstretched. His fingers moved like a weaver, all while the demon kept the flow of fire coming, his fangs bared in a wide grin.
Despite everything, a chuckle escaped me. The demon really could work with us. Be a part of our group, at least in this way. Yes, I’d seen him helping the others in the forest after Niko was taken, but this… this was amazing.
With every passing second, the battle slowed. The Huntsmen fell, fewer and fewer of them left alive to strike out at our allies. At last, none moved again.
Breathing hard, Lars lowered his hands.
“You okay there, brother?” Clay called.
Lars nodded, a wary hint of exhilaration in his eyes. “That’s just… damn. Hell of a rush, every time.” He let out a breath, regrouping. “Is everyone okay?”
As the others nodded, I scanned the road. Casimir was with Ruhl. The shadow wolf was back on his feet, shaking his fur like a dog trying to dispel an irritant.
Relief threaded through me, growing stronger when Casimir caught my eye with a reassuring smile and nod, as if to tell me they both were okay.
Thank the gods.
While some of the surviving humans checked on their comrades, the rest were headed in our direction. My relief grew to see Valeria with them. She kept an eye to the demon overhead, balking a bit when he dropped back to the earth and growled.
A bit of my exhilaration dimmed. He was still feral, the demon.
Maybe we could work on that.
“Clay,” I called. “Would you please…?” I twitched my head toward the demon who, as always, was totally naked after shifting.
The blond man nodded. With a few quick gestures, he conjured clothing. “Remind me to ask Roan about a non-nudist solution for you, buddy.”
A displeased growl left the demon, but at a glance from me, he quelled the sound quickly, discomfort flashing across his face. His fiery gaze dropped away like he didn’t want to meet my eyes.
Which was strange, because this was a creature who hadn’t cared one bit about being naked or growling at others before. Yet now he looked… ashamed.
But only when he looked at me.
I didn’t have time to ask what prompted that reaction. Ozias strode toward us, shifting back from the form of his beast as hemoved. “One still lives.” He jerked his chin at the burned bodies of the Huntsmen.
My stomach sank with the heavy certainty of which one that would be.
The demon snarled with irritation. “Magic one,” he snarled over his shoulder as he stalked toward the survivor. “You. Byron. Come here now.”
Glancing warily at the others, Byron trailed him. I hurried after them both.
“Princess,” Dex started.
I cast him a worried look, but I didn’t stop. I couldn’t.
I needed to know what the hell this man was.
The stench of burned flesh surrounded me as I trailed Byron to where the demon waited, and I pressed my sleeve to my mouth and nose, trying to smother it. Even if I technically didn’t need to breathe, I still didn’t want any of this to work its way into my lungs.
Burned like the others, the strange Huntsman lay on the ground. Butunlikethe rest, he was still trying to rise, even though his body was a wreck. Groaning, he attempted to lift his sword.
“Surrender,” Dex commanded him, coming up beside me. “Now.”
The Huntsman’s head shook. “I… cannot…”
His words were rough, as if his throat could barely make sounds past the damage to his body. But there was also a weary note of defeat to his gravelly voice. A sorrow that confused me. He sounded as if he would give anything to stop, yet still he moved.
I stepped closer, peering down at him.