Page 31 of Of Nine So Bold

A tightly choked growl came from Casimir. Across from me, I could just make him out in the mist.

His eyes were absolutely riveted on me. To my right, the demon’s were too, his gaze like twin balls of flame in the fog. Both the vampire and the demon were quivering like they were on the verge of lunging at me, consequences to the spell be damned.

This had to be caused by one of them. Which one, I had no idea, because both of them looked ready to fuck me until I screamed.

And dammit, I didn’t mind that idea abitright now.

The spiraling magic inside me coiled tighter, a strange sense of resonance coming from it, like it was vibrating in harmony with something else around me.

But that only made my body ache worse. Everything in me strained to be touched by whatever this was, because it needed me as badly as I needed it.

The resonance grew stronger, and I barely restrained a whimper. I was going to melt if I couldn’t find relief soon. I knew I had to stay still. Stay quiet because this magic was dangerous. But my legs were on the verge of giving out beneath me. My nipples felt like raw nerves attached straight to my throbbing clit. My hands shook with the urge to reach between my legs, if only to find relief. My pussy was clenching, empty and desperate, and the way this magic kept touching me was just?—

The magic pulsed sharply, striking everything within me in one mind-blowing surge of energy. The fog disappeared. The dust and starlight too.

All my restraint went with it.

But I wasn’t the only one.

Casimir was on me in an instant. My back hit the ground and his leg shoved between my thighs, crushing against my clit. I cried out, my back arching to rub my breasts against his chest.

“Say yes, my beautiful fucktoy,” he gasped. “I beg you.”

I clutched at his clothes, desperate to rip them off. “Yes. Oh gods, yes. Please fuck me.Please,I?—”

He shredded my coat and blouse with both hands. His fangs flashed for an instant before they sank into my breast.

I lost the world, screaming as I came. Pleasure rocketed through me, scattering my thoughts to a constellation of bliss. But my body kept moving like it was possessed, instinctively grinding against him in a wordless plea for more. Gods,more.

His hands ripped away my pants even as he kept feeding from me. I caught a glimpse of Clay and Lars, their clothes goneand their cocks hard as stone. Byron was nowhere to be seen, but beyond the twins, the demon stood, naked and huge and gods,sohard.

Fear skittered at the edge of my awareness, reminding me I should worry. I should… shouldthinkbecause the demon… Dammit, he…

I cried out, my thoughts scattering into a senseless blur as Casimir’s fingers slipped into me and his thumb massaged my clit. My hips jolted up, thrusting against his hand with reckless abandon.

But I needed more than this. Desperate, wordless, pleading sounds tore from me. Noises I barely even recognized. My eyes locked on the twins and the demon, my entire body clamoring that they needed to be inside menow.I couldn’t think past it. Couldn’t comprehendanythingbut the fact I had more holes aching to be filled.

Casimir’s tongue lashed my breast and nipple, sealing his bite. My mouth moved, struggling for words.

“Please,” I begged, praying they’d understand. “Please, I need?—”

Clay and Lars moved as one. When Casimir drew back, they took my hands and pulled me away from the ground. I was on my feet for only a moment, though, before Lars yanked me closer. Crushing his lips to mine, he sank back to the earth, pulling me down to straddle him. In only a moment, he had me lined up where he wanted me, his strong hands moving me into position.

With a long, slow stroke, he drove his cock into me, his length thick and hard and stretching me just right. I moaned wantonly at the pleasure and pain of him entering my body, every piece of me coming alive. I pushed my breasts forward as his hand slid up my torso. More moans escaped me when he gripped my breast, pinching and rolling my nipple between his fingers.

Gasping cries ripped from my throat. “More,” I begged. “More. I need…”

Casimir was there immediately, taking my hips. Reaching between us, he got his fingers wet with my slick and then smeared that across his cock.

I whimpered, angling my hips for him, wordlessly pleading once again.

“We will fill you, little fucktoy,” he growled in my ear. “Never fear. You will have all the cum you crave inside you soon.”

Nodding frantically, I rocked back against him as he pressed his cock to my rear entrance. The thick ring of muscle resisted for a moment, only for a jolt of dizzying pleasure to shoot through my veins as he penetrated me. He began thrusting in slow, strong rhythm, moving at the same time as Lars. Both of them stretched me so much, it made my womb clench and spasm.

Clay crouched in front of me. He rested one hand on my head, his other gripping his cock, and his eyes held the same kind of desperation I knew had to be in my own.

“Yes,” I gasped. “Oh, gods, yes, fuck my mouth. Fuck my?—”