I couldn’t breathe. This couldn’t be true.
Oh gods, let it be true.
“Th-thank you.” I fought to hold my voice steady and mostly failed.
Ignatius bowed his head. “And thank you for enduring despite a foolish old man’s bigotry.”
I couldn’t speak.
Smiling a bit, he started away and then glanced back at Gwyneira. “Come find me in the morning. I have some ideas on how to reach your allies and marshal your army.”
Her mouth fell open, soundless, but before she could say anything, he walked out of the library, carefully closing the door behind him.
Barely feeling as if my body itself was real, I turned to Gwyneira.
She was smiling, the expression a mix of hope and happiness for me.
Yet questions were there too. The ones I’d seen live and die a thousand times in her eyes.
Was I okay? Did I want this? Did I want her?
I knew exactly how to respond.
Byron reached out, his fingers brushing my cheek. “Would you do me the honor of staying the night with me, my beautiful treluria? Of allowing me to worship every inch of your beauty?”
His words made my core quiver. But still I stared up at him, searching his green eyes. “Are yousureyou’re okay?—”
“Without question.” His brow rose. “Are you?”
I nodded quickly, and his lip twitched.
“Before we go any farther, though, I want to say something.”
Apprehension made me tense.
“It’s nothing bad.” His hands rubbed my arms. “It’s simply that, as you could probably guess, I…” His brow rose and fell. “I’ve never lain with anyone before. To be honest, I never understood how others craved the experience. Being close in that way…” He gave a tiny chagrinned scoff. “It held no appeal.” His green eyes locked on me. “Until I met you.”
He took my hand. “What I’m trying to say is that I love you. I’ve loved you since before I could admit the words. Since before I even understood what I was feeling. You’re the only one for me, Gwyneira. And even if my body betrays me by coming too quickly to bring you pleasure this time, I swear I want to do thisagain and again until I can spend hours making you scream my name.”
Gods. “We… we can start slow? Give your body time to?—”
He shook his head. “I’m done with slow. I’ve spent my whole life thinking, analyzing, staying controlled. I don’t want that with you.”
Confidently, he pulled me against him. The hard length of his cock pressed to my stomach, making my breath hitch and my insides turn molten.
“I’ve studied countless books and scrolls, princess. But I can say with utter certainty thatyouare what I want to study for the rest of my life. How to bring you joy. How to be what you need in bad times and good.” He smiled. “How to make you fall apart with pleasure… starting now.”
Bending down, he crushed my lips to his.
My body pressed to his, melding against him. My fists clenched on his sweater while he slipped his hands down my sides, feeling me through my clothes. He nipped at my lips, urging me to open to him and then devouring me when I obeyed.
Tingling need coursed through my body, bright like pinprick stars dancing in my veins.