Page 141 of Of Nine So Bold

Anger simmered in the duke’s eyes, but he didn’t respond. He’d walked squarely into that trap too, and he knew it.

“I will see to the water’s source, as the Zeniryan suggests,” Ignatius said. “We’ll start with the underground canals and work our way along from there. But I may need assistance, depending on what the issue is.” He turned to Byron. “If you would accompany me?”

Byron nodded. “Of course.”

I held my face still, not looking at either of them. There was no reason to be upset. To think about how this was a prelude to when our little group would fall apart.

I was being ridiculous and emotional, and the last thing I needed was to draw attention or make anyone question why I thought something was wrong.

Ozias’s concern reached through our connection like a gentle hug anyway.

“Hold on.” Norbert kicked aside a chunk of marble. “So we’re just gonna let the so-calledZeniryansscrew up the water and steal the throne from atrueErenlian? Fuck that. I’m going too.”

A shudder went through Ozias. I could feel him fighting back the urge to attack at the man’s bigoted words.

He definitely wasn’t alone. Every bit of my royal training was struggling against the need to claw Norbert’s eyes out for how he spoke to my men.

But then the duke cast a sharp glare at his son, and it brought me up short. Duke Ensid looked like he wasseethingat Norbert, yet he didn’t say a word.

Casimir regarded the duke for a moment, obviously studying the man’s reaction too. But when the duke said nothing, the vampire’s brow twitched up slightly. In a meticulous tone, he said, “Surely you trust your own scholar to make certain nothing untoward happens while we’re attending to the water’s source?”

The duke tugged his attention away from his son. “I trust Erenlians ofworth, Your Highness. No one else.” He glanced atthe larger giants. “Brock. Take those five and accompany them.” He jerked his chin at several giants nearby.

Norbert smirked at us. Nearby, Brock looked between the duke and the giants he’d indicated, something odd in his eyes.

“Brock?” the duke snapped.

The blond giant nodded once and then turned to go.

“Guards,” Niko muttered with contempt.

“What was that, dwarf?” Norbert stalked toward him. “You say something?”

Instantly, Ozias, Roan, and Dex stepped between us and Norbert, never saying a word. Ruhl flowed around them, reforming into a wolf ahead of our group with his teeth bared.

“Aw, are the dwarves worried about their little fake king?” Norbert mocked, but I didn’t miss how he came to a stop far shy of Ruhl.

Rage shivered through me all the same. I knew I shouldn’t draw attention, but this bastard justwouldn’tstop.

But before I could speak, Niko stepped past Ozias and Dex. My heart hit my throat.

“We would never ask these Erenlians to do anything we weren’t willing to do ourselves.” Niko’s voice so calm it made me pause. “If seven of your people go with Ignatius, then it’s only fair that seven of mine do as well. Or wouldyouwish to give rise to rumors that you manipulated the results out of fear that a dwarf would win?”

It took real effort to suppress my smile this time, no matter how worried I was for him. Even my other men seemed taken back, and Clay gave a low whistle like he was impressed.

But the duke didn’t react with anger this time. Instead, his lip curled ever so slightly and he looked almostpleased.

My skin prickled with apprehension. Why had Niko’s response causedthatreaction?

But a heartbeat later, the duke’s satisfied expression vanished behind a supercilious arrogance that even the marble sculptures in the entryway couldn’t have rivaled. “Very well. Seven giants and seven dwarves.” He made the last word drip with insult. “But you cannot be among them, boy. I would not have dwarf duplicitousness steal my people’s chance at being ruled by atrueking.”

Niko paused only a moment. “No one could steal the answer that the magic of Erenelle chooses to give. But I will not let your fears rob my people of their faith. I will stay here.”

Gods, did Niko realize how good he was at this?

The duke definitely did. Anger flashed through his eyes again. “Get on with it.” He jerked his chin at his people. “Fix the water’s flow and let us be rid of this dwarf’s false claim.”

“We’ll see about that.” Niko’s voice radiated calm assurance. Without waiting for the duke’s response, he turned to us, his bearing like he was utterly at peace with how the interaction had gone. But when his back was fully to the duke, the expression cracked, apprehension showing through. “Is that okay?” he whispered. “I didn’t mess anything up, did I?”