At her mother’s name, Gwyneira tensed slightly. A heartbeat passed before she softly said, “Thank you.”
He nodded. “And if all does go well and the Nine prevail—” He turned to me and it was all I could do not to freeze. “—then perhaps together you, I, and any other survivors could restore the Order of Berinlian as well.”
I faltered. “T-together? You would ask me to?—”
“There are so few of us left who know the old ways and swore our oaths within the Halls of Magic. And your friend tells me you’ve held true to your vows and observed our traditions all these years. That faith is a testimony to the loyal scholar you’ve proven yourself to be. If I were to let my old prejudices stand in the way of rebuilding the Order, it would be the height of foolishness, would it not?” He smiled. “In Syloria, we will start over. With hard work and dedication, you and I will see the Order rise again.”
My body was numb. Blood rushed in my ears. Acceptance like this was all I’d ever wanted. More than that, even. This was a level of honor and respect I’d neveroncedreamed I would receive.
So why did I feel like I was falling from a great height, all the world spinning and tumbling around me?
Gwyneira’s voice came from far away. “That is an incredible honor. The Order means everything to Byron. So what must we do to protect Erenelle and make that a reality?”
Speechless, I turned to her. Did she want that? For me to leave?
She wasn’t looking at me.
“The other nexuses in this world must be freed,” Ignatius replied. “The ley lines as well.”
I wanted to laugh, but it wasn’t funny.Insane, but not funny.
Gods, did no one else feel the world falling to pieces?
“They all must be purged of the Voidborn poison,” he continued, “until you claim even the queen’s own power center in Aneira.”
“Lumilia,” Dex filled in.
Ignatius nodded. “I believe so. Apples have been the symbol of the Aneiran queen for countless years. The capital city reportedly even has a royal apple tree at its heart. That those are the vehicle of her corruption seems rather like a calling card for where she might have started her campaign.”
“Or like a cruel joke,” Gwyneira murmured bitterly.
“Indeed. Considering that to claim Aneira, she killed the previous queen Eira and blamed the murder on us, the sadism of her choice is most pointed.” A shrewd look entered his eyes as he studied Gwyneira. “I must say, you seem rather familiar with that nation.”
Panic choked me, but the princess didn’t even blink.
“Only compared to some,” she replied, as if it was neither here nor there that her carefully chosen words could mean anything.
Gods, she was brilliant.
My mouth opened, teetering on the verge of telling her that. She was incredible. Breathtaking. I’d never once let myself see the truth this clearly, and the stupidity of that oversight stunned me.
“Nevertheless,” Ignatius said, “your knowledge is impressive. Did you also learn from the scholars assigned to Zenirya?”
She smiled at me. “Byron is the first of your Order I’ve met. It ishisknowledge that has always impressed me.”
Her words were polite. Her expression too. The compliment seemed designed to warm me, but it felt wrong, like a cup of tea gone too cold. Her tone and bearing radiated a benevolent gentility that spoke of friendly respect and nothing more.
The combination was a noose around my throat.
My mouth clamped shut, icy pain strangling me. I was a fool. I couldn’t blurt out the truth of what she was and expect that to change anything. Not after I’d spent every waking moment since we met showing her exactly what she’d seen in my memories. A man who was first and foremost a scholar.
A man who, if made to choose between her and his studies, would leave.
“What else do you know about how we might fight the queen and these Voidborn?” Casimir asked, and I flinched, jarred from the realization rolling like an avalanche through my entire being.
Gwyneira was fine with how things stood between us. She had no need of me.
“The queen and the Voidborn won’t go easily,” Ignatius said, oblivious to my world crumbling. “I suspect you will still need help. Tell me, what allies have you gathered? How might you rejoin them?”