Page 122 of Of Nine So Bold

Sighing, he sank back onto the grass. “I take it you haven’t noticed.” At my silence, he continued. “Your magic.”


He read my expression. “Or perhaps youdidknow?”

I could feel Dex’s and Ozias’s eyes on me. “It’s okay. It’s just?—”

“It isnotokay,” Casimir cut in. “Your magic and Byron’s have merged somehow. You are connected, and if any harm should befall to him, you could die.”

I froze.

“What?” Dex shoved up from the grass. “How the hell did that happen?”

Rage and dread flooded my link to Ozias.

“Gwyneira’s a vampire,” Dex continued. “Aren’t you both essentially…”

“Immortal?” Casimir filled in.

Dex nodded.

“Vampires can still be killed, my friend. Her life and Byron’s are tied through their magic. It is a different connection than a mate bond.” He nodded to Ozias in acknowledgement. “It is life force. And near-immortality or not, if his life ends, hers will as well.” He turned to me, his expression becoming apologetic. “I have been searching for a means to break that bond without killing either of you, but until I discover a safe path forward, it is imperative you both exercise caution.” Tension flashed across his face. “Please.”

I couldn’t find words.

“I will find a way to fix this,” Casimir assured me. “I swear it on my life. And until then, I will protect you both.”

“We all will,” Dex added.

Ozias just pulled me to him, his body warm amid the cold air. A low rumble carried through his chest, a growl for the thought that I could be taken from him.

I squeezed my eyes shut, praying Casimir’s efforts would be enough.

“We should get back,” Dex said. “We can’t leave the others for too long. Especially if Byron…” He left the rest unsaid.

“Agreed.” Casimir rose to his feet.

Ozias’s arms tightened on me, his worry more than clear through our connection.

Why couldn’t the link between Byron and me have been like this?

Except, of course it wouldn’t have been.

I scowled at myself. Byron wasn’t interested in me sexually. He admitted I was his treluria, yes. But his vows came first. I had to respect that. And for him to be able to feel how I stupidly still wanted him even when I knew we could never be…

I pushed the thought aside, climbing to my feet and collecting my clothes. What happened between Byron’s magic and mine was a mistake, and one that, with Casimir’s help, we’d fix. That was all.

The men made short work of the vine wall, and together, the four of us headed back through the forest. Apprehension hung in the air like a heavy cloak, and when we neared the clearing, voices carried through the trees, just on the edge of hearing.

The giants were arguing.

But so were my men.

“What is it?” Dex asked.

“Something’s wrong,” Casimir said, hearing the same thing I did.

“Fuck.” Dex took off.