Page 118 of Of Nine So Bold

Oh gods. Neither of us was going to make it much longer.

I looked around quickly, seeking a way out. The terrain rolled in gentle hills of leafless forests draped in snow. Mountains rosein the distance, more rounded and softer than the peaks on the west side of Aneira. Though snow covered their slopes, the pristine blanket was marred by dark, jagged lines with strange growths around them.

“More apple trees,” Dex said, following my gaze. “Byron says they’re following the ley lines.”

A keen of hunger choked out any response I would have given. But what did I care about apple trees right now?

I needed to bite someone, dammit.

But where to go? The other direction only held a wall of gray fog that interrupted the forest and blocked any view of the sky and all that lay beyond.

The Wall of Erenelle.

That was no help.

Drumming panic clogged my ears. My men’s voices came from a distance, their words unintelligible. Hunger had too strong a grip for me to comprehend something as advanced and unnecessary aslanguage.

Suddenly, Ozias was in front of me. His hands gripped my shoulders. Calm poured through our connection like an avalanche.

My mate, trying to calm me as only he could.

A whimper escaped me. I could think again, but words were still so complicated. It was all I could do not to attack him right now.

“Help me,” I whispered.

He smiled. “Always.”



With one hand, Ozias pulled me around, giving a brief glance to Dex. Though not a single word was spoken, the former soldier seemed to immediately understand my mate. “Roan, guard them.” Dex twitched his head at the rest of my men.

Roan nodded.

Holding me between them, Ozias and Dex started away from the giants, striding fast for the safety of the forest. Casimir stalked after us, his eyes trained on us all like a predator stalking prey.

Willingprey, but prey nonetheless.

The mere thought sent shudders of need radiating through me.

“Where are they going?” the duke called behind us.

I threw a worried look back. If he followed…

My vampire side growled with the urge to remove the man from being a problem.

“Not your concern,” Roan replied, crossing his arms and placing himself in the duke’s path. Byron, Niko, and the twins all joined in, forming a barricade of silent support on either side of Roan.

“If this is some kind of trick,” the duke snarled, motioning for his henchmen, ”I’m warning you, I will?—”

Roan shifted fast, the demon surging to the surface and stopping the giants in their tracks. “You willstay put.”

Anger flushed the duke’s face while his henchmen just backed away. Nearby, Ignatius watched us go, saying nothing. I couldn’t read the look in his eyes.

“Focus, little mate,” Ozias murmured, pulling my attention back to him. “They won’t disturb us.”

I bit back another whimper. The vampire inside me didn’t care about disturbances. It needed blood and didn’t care whose it took.