Two and a half years ago, Vanessa had been my rock.
Now she was an anchor around my neck and Italy was the last place I wanted to see again.
“Where’s Jayce?” came a sharp male voice behind me.
I looked over my shoulder.
Emmett stood there with the same threatening expression he had last night at di Sano’s. “You can’t have gone to the hotel and back already.” His words were an accusation, not a question.
Vanessa snaked her arm around mine. “Who’s Jayce, honeybear?”
He scoffed. “This explains so much.”
For fuck’s sake.
“You remember that mood I said I wasn’t in?” I unwound myself from Vanessa’s grip. “Craig needs me inside.”
“Oh no, you don’t.” Emmett put a hand out to stop me from leaving, clear we were about to have words.
I flicked my gaze from Vanessa to the restaurant, and she surprisingly took the hint, rather than lingering to hear all the gossip. “Aren’t you supposed to be working the door?”
Emmett’s eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms. “What sick game are you playing, Donovan?”
“Why don’t you clue me in on what game you’re referring to, then I’ll explain the rules to you.”
“Jayce. You were supposed to take her to the hotel.”
“She opted for an alternate plan.” I gripped the railing’s top bar.Optedwas a gentle word for it.
“And then that harpy?” He jerked his head in the direction Vanessa had left.
“My ex.”
“Did you tell her that?”
“Yes, when I threw her out six months ago.”
Emmett’s eyes fluttered closed as he took a slow breath. “I meant Jayce. Does Jayce know your ex was the one harassing her earlier?”
My fingers tightened around the railing. Vanessa had spoken to Jayce while I was getting my equipment from Craig and claimed we’d slept together this past week. Jayce had gone from cool to cold after that. The same as after she’d been alone with Wyatt on the roof.
“The CIA should demand their money back.”
I let go of the rail and dragged my fingers through my hair. I’d started the evening hoping to turn things around with Jayce. They’d progressively devolved all evening, with both our relationship and our job turning into utter flops. Add on my ex and an angry Reynolds sibling who couldn’t be bothered to make any sense? This was the worst night I’d had in some time.
“Drew, I’ve watched you play your little connection games with everyone around you. Look into their eyes, touch an arm, ask questions. You make people feel special, feel like they can trust you. But with her?”
With Jayce? I’d tried everything. Making her dinner, kissing her, telling her I wanted her. Offering to help, carrying her when she was hurt, telling her she was beautiful.
Fuck, the battle of wills in Gideon’s office on Monday had been the greatest thrill I’d felt in months. Probably since the last time I’d seen her. She’d risen to the occasion, not acted like a wilting flower.
“With her…” He clenched a fist. “You make her feel small.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Tell me the truth: What do you want in a woman?”
I’d asked Jayce almost the same thing. The first time, itwasabout sex. The second time? I’d hidden it behind a question about a dance partner. “You and I are associates, not friends, Emmett. I don’t discuss this sort of thing with associates.”