Rage, fiery and intense, surged inside me. There was no way this man was getting away with what he’d done tonight.
“Why don’t you lower the gun, Wyatt?” Rav separated from Marc, keeping his hands between himself and Wyatt. They were splitting his focus, causing him to pivot away from me. “Seeing my friend with a gun to her head makes me consider doing something drastic, and no one wants that.”
“Like that guy in Budapest?” grunted Jayce, either from pain or from Wyatt’s arm. “He pees into a bag.”
“In prison,” added Rav.
The more they talked, the closer I got. There was no guarantee the roof was rated for a helicopter’s weight. If Wyatt genuinely had one cleared for this airspace, they’d have to throw down a rope ladder for him.
“I’m past worrying about prison,” said Wyatt.
Jayce’s body was shielded from me on Wyatt’s left side. Each shoulder check as he backed up was over her head.
He held the gun in his right hand.
And that was the side I was on.
“Tell us who’s paying you.” Rav stepped toward Wyatt, swiping two fingers across his nose.
That was the sign.
“No fast moves, you fucking grunt,” snarled Wyatt.
“Fast moves?” said Marc, who took two steps away from Rav, farther away from me. “Like this?”
Wyatt shifted the gun from Jayce’s temple. He’d point it at one of the big men.
I ran at him.
Rav and Marc dropped.
I wrapped an arm around Wyatt’s right arm, and he dropped Jayce. The momentum carried us forward and we slammed into the ground.
He fired. The blast shook my eardrums. Enveloped me in the scent of gunpowder.
Screams erupted from ground level.
“You little—” Wyatt’s fist connected with my ribs.
I held tight, getting my free hand on the gun and directing it away from everyone. Wrapping my legs around his midsection for leverage, I got my other hand on the gun. I was stronger, but he was desperate.
Rav’s primal roar and thundering footfalls bore down on us.
I heaved on Wyatt’s gun, fighting to gain control. But he fired blindly, his knee smashing into my stomach. As the air flew out of me, a black-clad body landed on top of us.
The gun clattered to the ground.
Rav pinned Wyatt face down, with one thick arm across my former co-worker’s neck. Marc joined him, wrenching Wyatt’s hand up to his shoulder blades.
“Now would be the perfect time to tell us who’s behind this, Wyatt.” Pain licked up my side with each breath. Hopefully, nothing was broken; the bastard had gotten in some good blows. I pulled Jayce’s clutch out of my pocket and tossed it to Rav, who caught it without a word. “Jayce’s zip ties are in there.”
When she didn’t complain about me offering her things—even to her teammate—I glanced in her direction. She wasn’t sitting up. She was supposed to be telling us she was fine or making a crack about how it was all part of her plan or—
She lay on her side, facing away from me.
Oh shit.
I hurried over to her, heart beating high in my chest, as though it were trying to escape through my throat.Be all right, Jayce.