Wyatt also appeared agitated, despite not being involved in the conversation with Scarlett. He mirrored Rav, moving away from the railing.
But then he left.
“Wyatt?” said Rav. “What are you doing?”
I flicked my gaze intentionally to Drew and back to the second floor. “He just left his post. Didn’t tell Rav where he was going.”
Drew looked up, then tapped his ear. “Wyatt? Where’d you go?”
Brie hummed aloud. “I lost one of the cameras.”
“Drew,” I said, “ask Craig about the cameras. Brie’s lost one.”
He did as I asked, waited for a beat, and shook his head. “He’s lost one, too, and he’s working on getting it back up. The one that monitors the hallway upstairs?”
Brie said, “That’s the one.”
I nodded to Drew, the prickling energy of an adrenaline spike starting in my shoulders. “Brie, can you see Wyatt anywhere?”
“I’m reviewing footage from the camera that went out,” she said. “He was heading for— Oh no.”
“Oh no, what, Brie?” I took Drew’s hand and walked him off the dance floor.Don’t run, Jayce. You’re in public.
On the mezzanine level, Rav made a beeline after Wyatt.
Drew didn’t question my actions—maybe he had the same concerns as I did, or maybe he was trusting my judgment. “Wyatt says he went to the washroom.”
“Noah,” Brie breathed and a swear word popped out of every team member’s mouth.
I picked up the pace. “What’s he doing here?
“He’s in the blind spot.” Brie’s speech accelerated. “Wyatt came back on screen once he was out of the downed camera range, so he could be telling the truth. Rav, Wyatt’s on the stairs to the main level. Will, coordinate with Craig and get that camera back up.”
“Scarlett,” said Rav, “I’m going after Noah.”
“I’m coming with you.” I hauled Drew with me, tucking down a narrow staff hallway that led away from the throng.
“And us,” said Emmett. In the background of his comms, Zaria asked what was happening.
Drew halted suddenly, pulling me to a stop. “Details. Quickly. Who’s here, what’s the problem, and where are we going?”
The chatter continued over my earpiece, but I put it all aside. How much could I tell Drew? What information could I trust him with? “Scarlett’s ex works with a band of thieves and kidnappers called the Fenix Group—F-E-N-I-X, not like the bird. He’s upstairs in the blind spot. You and I are going to intercept him. So are Rav and Emmett.”
“Are you going after him for personal reasons?” Drew lifted a brow. “Or do you suspect he’s here for the chip?”
I didn’t have a plan. I’d heard he was there and started moving. Scarlett was my planner, but Fenix was a variable she hadn’t accounted for. That was too many times they’d gotten past her.
And I wasn’t about to let them tank this job on her.
Scarlett’s voice broke through the din. “Jayce, he’s right. Malcolm and I are headed to the main dining room in case Noah’s here for me. Emmett and Zaria are heading upstairs. Rav’s already there. We need you and Drew back in the banquet room.”
Drew touched his ear and turned slightly from me. “Be careful, Zaria.”
“Why?” I asked everyone who was listening. “Why would Fenix be here? You don’t think they’re behind the threats against the chip, do you?”
From what we’d learned, Fenix hid their data in Tremaine Industries’ elusive data storage center. That’s why we’d been after access to it. They collected antiquities, so they could have been there for the other items in the VIP display. Maybe they were after the scarab like we were.
But in addition to taking antiquities, they also stole and kidnapped—and possibly worse—to get leverage over people. They could have been there to grab someone.