Page 56 of The Twilight Theft

It made sense. “If Reynolds wanted to steal the chip, you’d want as many distractions as possible. Keep people’s attention off you and off the chip.”

Emmett smiled and pointed at me. “And here I thought you couldn’t teach an old spy new tricks.”

“Crisis manager.” Speaking of crisis, I couldn’t hold back the tide of curiosity anymore and shifted in my seat to survey the restaurant.

Maybe not the entire restaurant.

Jayce sat with her palm face up, held out toward Wyatt. He took her hand, spread the fingers wide, and ran a fingertip down the middle.

Son of a bitch. “This is the point at which he’s telling her about his grandmother from Louisiana who told fortunes, and how she taught him to do the same. Such a load of shit.”

“Does that line normally work?”

A fire built deep in my belly. “Every time I’ve seen him use it.”

“You didn’t answer earlier—can I trust her with him?”

I didn’t give a fuck if Emmett could trust Wyatt with Jayce.Ididn’t trust Wyatt with Jayce. “We’re going back to the original plan.”

“And which plan would that be?” Emmett straightened, picking up his glass. “The one where you and Jayce still can’t work together?”

“She bloody well can’t work with him, either.”

Across the restaurant, a server delivered the bill to Wyatt, who paid. They didn’t split the bill—he paid. And he’d expect something after this.

“In Jayce’s immortal words, ‘Nope.’” Emmett popped the last letter, the same way she had, and took a sip of his drink.

“Our contract clearly states I’m point on this. Not you. Not your sister. Me.”

“And if Scarlett refuses?” Emmett grinned, like a man too confident in his bargaining position. “Jayce has already refused to partner with you twice now. Although I think there was also a third time before we left Halifax.”

The fire inside me burned too hot.

Screw the consequences.

It was Friday night and the gala was tomorrow. If everything went at least close to plan, the Reynolds team would be gone again by Sunday. IfIcouldn’t have Jayce before they left, there was no way in hell Wyatt would. “You can tell Scarlett she’s fired if she won’t agree to it.”

“Say no more.” Emmett threw back the rest of his drink and slid out of the booth. “I’ll take the hit with Scarlett over this because Wyatt doesn’t strike me as a positive influence on Jayce. But I promise you, if you screw this up—if she comes to me, telling me you hurt even one of her feelings, you’ll be dealing with Rav. And I’m sure you know that isnota fate you’ll survive. You hear me?”

I took another sip of my wine, the flavor sour on my tongue.

Wyatt and Jayce stood together and headed for the door.

Emmett positioned himself between me and them, stooping to get in my face. “No bullshit, Drew. Don’t be a jackass. Be good to her.”

“I’ll be professional.”

“That’s not what I said.” He raised his eyebrows expectantly, and I nodded. Without another word, he turned and made for the door.

From so far away, I couldn’t hear what he said as he approached Jayce, but he flung his arms wide and threw them around her. He stumbled slightly, jostling his head.

She looked concerned, but held his arm around her shoulders, easing him to the edge of the nearest seat.

Was he pretending to be drunk?

She shook her head, then shooed Wyatt out the door.

I pulled an Emmett and held the wine menu up so she couldn’t see me watching her.