“It wasn’t a head injury.” I didn’t want to say it out loud, but it was the only way he’d drop it. “I passed out.”
“So why didn’t you eat anything?”
This conversation wasn’t going anywhere. I didn’t respond and he didn’t press. Instead, we continued through the main doors into the banquet room in silence.
A mob gathered around the doors, with Emmett and Malcolm stationed at each one alongside police officers, collecting information before partygoers could leave. Fifty or so people milled about the room, nibbling on food, admiring the artwork, and drifting in and out of the main dining room. How many had run before my team got the situation under control?
Had Noah escaped in the flood of people? Had the blown door and gunshots been part of his egress plan?
Drew veered us toward Digital Twilight—the dragonfly’s head conveniently back in place—where Craig was deep in conversation with Liana. “I need to check in.”
My gut flip-flopped. I was the subject matter expert, and Wyatt had snatched the dragonfly’s head out from under me. I didn’t want to talk to Liana. That was someone else’s job. “Leave me in a chair by the wall.”
“We’ll only be a second.” Drew’s grip on my waist tightened.
Craig lifted his chin to Drew as we approached, inviting us into the conversation.
Liana’s gaze landed on me.Shit.Her eyes widened, and she rushed forward. “What happened to you?”
“Nothing. I—”
Drew squeezed my waist. “She caught Wyatt.”
“Oh my! Did he…” Liana fanned herself like she was about to pass out or to ward off tears. “Did he hurt you?”
Mr. Clenched Jaw next to me blew out a sharp breath through his flared nostrils. What was all that?
“Nah.” I waved a hand to dismiss her question, not wanting Drew to launch into an explanation of my epic failure. “It’s an old injury. I need some ice.”
Liana looked heavenward, placing her hands over her heart. “Thank you for everything you did.”
“No problem.” I pointed at Digital Twilight. “Looks like it was an easy repair? Wyatt said something about a linchpin?”
“That was the part I was going to melt, so it…” Liana tilted her head. “How did he know about that?”
I didn’t have the answer, but I’d be sure to pass the questions over to Scarlett. Maybe that information would hold some clue about Noah’s involvement.
Drew glanced around. “Where’s Gideon?”
“There was a small stampede when everything happened up top and a few people on the patio were hurt,” said Craig. “Gideon’s gone to the hospital to check on them.”
“Part of the crisis campaign?”
Craig nodded. “I’m going to stay here and help Scarlett coordinate the search for Wyatt’s co-conspirators.”
“Do you need a hand? I could…” Drew paused, looking down at me. “I’m driving Jayce to the hotel for some supplies.”
“Let me think about it,” said Craig. “I may send you to the hospital with Gideon to monitor things.”
“I’ll call when we’re done.”
“I lost my earpiece upstairs,” I said, “so I’m out of touch. Brie couldn’t get your comms or cameras up?”
“She’s a smart one. Got the British fellow involved, too. But, no luck.”
Drew took the earpiece out of his ear. “Byron may be able to figure it out when he gets back.”
Craig accepted the offered tech. “Piss poor time for him to be on vacation.”