Page 59 of The Twilight Theft

Malcolm exited the room after her, sliding a hand across her back. The man was always touching her.

That was what I wanted. Someone whose world started and ended with me.

Scarlett’s eyebrow quirked at Drew in a way that said, ‘That’s not Wyatt.’

This would be interesting. Emmett rarely hid things from her on the job, but it was obvious he had.

“They make a cute couple.” Malcolm took Scarlett’s hand, and the two of them walked toward our group.

Scarlett’s eyebrow rose higher the closer they got. “Is someone going to explain this to me?”

Drew turned to Emmett. “You didn’t tell her, either?”

“Wyatt took Jayce out last night, and I didn’t think they looked convincing together. It was too forced.” Emmett scratched at the short beard he’d been too stubborn to shave off. “This chemistry’s not forced.”

“Chemistry?” I blurted out.

Emmett had been with me on that rooftop. He knew how I felt about Drew.

“C’mon, honey bunches.” Malcolm had dozens of ridiculous food-based nicknames for Scarlett, every one of which made me hungry. He moved through the middle of our group, leading her down the hallway. “Little late to change things now.”

It was never too late to change things.

I glanced at Drew.

Some things, at least.

Chapter 24


“I’mhere.DrewandI are nearing the fountain.” Jayce chatted quietly with her team while they went through their roll call.

The last job I’d done with them, I’d been the only one from my team involved, and they’d let me in on their comms. They were as polished as any team I’d worked with in the CIA, and certainly more than the group from Bishop and Associates. We were all trained to work independently, and the idea of using earpieces for continual conversation was foreign. Being subjected to hours of Wyatt’s one-liners or Zaria’s fashion commentary didn’t appeal to me.

“Shit,” said Jayce. “I hope she’s okay.”

I put my hand under her elbow when we reached the stairs. There were still pools of water dotting the walkway after yesterday’s downpour. “What’s that?”

The conversation distracted her enough that she didn’t wrench her arm away from me. Either that or the moment the earpiece went in, she was in professional mode. Or she needed help to balance in the low heels Scarlett had forced on her. “Will isn’t on comms with Brie tonight. His mom’s in the hospital.”

“Is it serious?” I’d only worked remotely with Will, who was living in London temporarily. He’d impressed me as a genius engineer, just as talented as their hacker guru, Brie.

She nodded and mouthedAlzheimer’sto me, then added for her team’s benefit, “She had a little fall. She’ll be fine. Ash is filling in as Brie’s backup.”


“Ashley. Former FBI. She knows her—” Jayce cut off, resuming the conversation with her team.

It gave me an opportunity to observe her from the corner of my eye. The pale pink dress flowed around her, hugging curves I’d had my lips on just days ago. Despite how much she leaned away from her femininity, she couldn’t hide it from a man who’d seen her practically naked. There was a woman under her tough exterior—one with needs and wants I still couldn’t quite figure out.

“Time for level two.” As we reached the bottom of the stairs, I slid my arm around Jayce’s waist. It was overkill—the goal was to look like a date, not a couple. Was it for my own selfish need? Anyone at tonight’s party who didn’t know me as Craig’s employee would most likely know me as Vanessa’s boyfriend or her ex. She was the socialite, although most of her overt charm had been about obtaining gossip to post online.

One more red flag I’d ignored.

Jayce didn’t reciprocate. She held her clutch and swung her opposite arm freely as she walked. “I hate high heels.”

“You’ve mentioned that once or twice.” Or five times since we left the hotel. They were only an inch high, but as she pointed out, she always wore things she could run in. “Are your Kevlar socks hidden in them?”