But she withdrew the hand, not looking at me. This was professional Samantha. No time for comfort.
“So, we’ve got at least three options.” Samantha swallowed hard. “One: The Scotts are behind it all and hired Parker to do their dirty work. Two: Parker’s out for revenge over the auction. Since his company approved the painting, the FBI was investigating them. But then we don’t know why he’d go after Mason’s, Lucy, or the gym. Or three—” She tossed the pen to me and gave a reluctant shrug. “—you were right.”
I wroteConstablewith arrows pointing to each number as I spoke. “Rhonda told you about the painting, you were there to save her, Lucy investigated, and so did I.”
Janelle huffed out a long breath. “At a minimum, I’d bet we have the wrong guy locked up for your hotel shooting. We’ll know more once we’ve talked to everyone involved and forensics is done.”
Samantha and I nodded.
“And,” continued Janelle, “I want you to come to the station tomorrow for a statement. Elliot’s scheduled to be in town for an update on the search for the Scotts, so we should discuss your theories with him. Especially if there could be any link to another stolen painting.”
A knock on the door, and Jimmy opened without waiting for a response. “Interviews are done. Forensics should be here soon. I gotta get back to the station.”
Janelle retrieved her cap, reaching across the desk to squeeze Samantha’s arm. “That was some stupid shit you pulled out there today and never do it again. But… thanks. Hopefully, we can put this whole thing to bed.”
“No need for the house arrest anymore?” asked Samantha, circling the desk to stand next to me.
I touched her back gently, finding the tremble gone. “She insists on going to work.”
“Can’t say that surprises me.” Janelle shook her head. “But I think you’re fine. It sounds like Parker was the one after the two of you, and we have him in custody.”
Jimmy leaned against the door frame, his earlier hurry to leave seemingly forgotten. “Big break in the case?”
“Big enough.” I resisted slipping my arm around Samantha’s waist, pulling her close, and telling her again how worried I’d been. She needed to display power and control in front of her friends. More than anything, I wanted to make up for our argument that morning. There were precious few days for me to spend with her this trip, and I couldn’t waste it. “And just in time. I need to escort this vision of beauty to the New Year’s Eve Gala on Thursday night.”
Samantha rolled her eyes dramatically and nudged me with a hip. A good sign.
“You got tickets to that?” asked Jimmy. “Thought they sold out months ago.”
“I pulled a few strings.” It would be a perfect evening. I would dance the night away with the love of my life before I had to leave her for another season.
“Well, you two are in luck!” Jimmy folded his arms, puffing up his chest. “I volunteered for New Year’s Eve duty, so if the break isn’t big enough and anything happens, I’ll have your backs!”
Samantha chuckled. “It’s in Lansing, Jimmy.”
“Might have to swing by to say hello. Bet you two’ll be quite the sight.” He pushed off the door frame when Janelle made the sign it was time to leave. “Been an exciting week in Brenton. Crime rate used to be so low, I barely recognize the place!”
Chapter 29
Withoutopeningmyeyes,I rolled over, draping my arm across… an empty space next to me. Her scent was on the pillow, but no Samantha. I cracked an eyelid, but the room was still dark. Likely in the bathroom. She’d return soon and nestle against me, falling back to sleep.
Wakefulness prodded at my brain, along with the stabbing pain in my shoulder. I needed more painkillers.
Her phone was not on her bedside table, and my robe remained on the chair where she’d draped it last night. I rolled to my side and checked my phone. Five thirty in the morning, plus a text from her at five:Gone downstairs to the gym. Didn’t want to wake you.
With a yawn, I pulled back the covers and got up. She'd be down there another half hour at least, so I could join her if I hurried. Perhaps convince her to cut her workout short and enjoy an extra-long shower.
Today would be a better day, even though she insisted on going to work.
We hadn’t spoken about the shooting after we left the office. I’d tried, but she’d have none of it. Nothing about the danger she’d placed herself in, her theories on what it all meant, nor what would come next. But we did speak of Frank. Alice had called; he’d made it through surgery and would be discharged in only a couple of days. Truly a relief.
Bathroom routine, into my shorts and a gym shirt, and I was ready to go in ten minutes. Lucy was staying another night, so I walked quietly to the kitchen on my way to the door, planning to leave a note on the breakfast bar in case she came out wondering where we were.
But the light from the studio shone down into the common area.
I gripped the metal hand railing, unsure what I expected to find upstairs. Had I mistakenly left it on last night? Surely Lucy wouldn’t have wandered up there at this hour? Considering the sleeping pills she took last night, it was unlikely I’d see her before Samantha left for work.