Page 83 of Disarming Caine

In the end, there was only one thing I could do.

I threw my legs over the center console, dropped the phone on the passenger seat, and put the SUV into drive. I pulled out to follow, waving to the security guy to go into Ferraro’s.

Antonio was alright. He had to be alright.

It was a thirty mile-an-hour road, but we quickly hit fifty. I slammed my hand on the horn to alert other drivers.

Janelle’s voice was faint in the background.

I flicked my eyes down to the phone and hit the button to put her through the audio system. “Janelle, you still there?”

“What the fuck was that?”

“Shooting at Ferraro’s! Holy shit!” I clenched the steering wheel, blinking rapidly to combat the stinging at the back of my eyes. Antonio was fine. They were all okay. I had to focus. “I’m in pursuit of the shooter.”

“Sam! Back off!”

“We’re heading east on Calabria, at the intersection with Walnut. Get someone to their office!”

“Sam! Stop!”

There were few vehicles on the road, and the car ahead of me veered back and forth from one lane to another to avoid anything in front of him. A foot of snow from Christmas clung to the yards and roofs, but the streets were clear, so traction was good.

“It’s a black Honda Civic, Michigan license plate!” I read the plate off to her and swerved around a car the shooter clipped. “That’s the plate from the Mason’s shooting!”

The car fishtailed, but they regained control quickly.

Janelle was hollering in the background, and she put me on speaker on her end as well. “Police and ambulance have been dispatched to Ferraro’s. We’ve got cars near you.”

“Taking a turn north onto Chestnut! Driver and one passenger visible in the car.”

Chestnut was residential and had few cars moving on it, although many were parked along the sides. We hit sixty miles an hour quickly after making the turn.

“Sam! We’ve got three patrol cars closing in! Back off!”

“Not a fucking chance! I swear to God, if this asshole—” The dream flashed through my brain, Antonio laying in a pool of blood.Please let him be alright. Please! I can’t lose him!“Chestnut and Auburn!”

Even if it wasn’t Antonio, what if it was Sofia? Or Frank? Or Dominico? It would devastate Antonio. I slammed my foot down harder on the gas, gaining ground, prepared to ram him instead of giving him any chance of getting away.

I kept punching the horn, and the car ahead of the shooter suddenly pulled out of the way. The shooter’s car over-corrected. It spun, crashing into a parked vehicle on the side of the road. I slammed on the brakes, and fortunately the SUV’s wheels found traction where the other’s hadn’t.

“Ran into a parked car at Chestnut and Water! He’s stopped! I’m going in!”

“Sam! Don’t you—”

Her words faded away as the shooter’s car door opened, and a man stumbled out. He stared at the ground, wobbling, clutching his head. He still had the gun, and the passenger remained in the car.

How long until the police arrived?

I eased my door open and stepped out. I was not letting him get away with this.

His head snapped in my direction. Glassy eyes, not fully focused. Either from the crash or maybe he was on something.

Calm, stay calm.“Are you alright, sir?”

He blinked at me several times, like he couldn’t make out what was going on. His light brown hair was cropped short, eyes dark brown. Just shy of six feet, probably a hundred and eighty pounds. Long-sleeve black sweater and jeans, no jacket.

He reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t put a finger on who.