Page 57 of Disarming Caine

I flipped my sunglasses down from the holder and used them to cover my reaction as best as I could, my stomach tightening at the prospect. “Get ready for Christmas Eve dinner with your family.”

“They’re very excited to see you.”

“I don’t know why. I just saw Sofia, Lorenzo, and your father two days ago.”

“I think Nonna started cooking yesterday and Mamma had a cleaning crew in when I was there.”

The last time I’d visited Antonio’s parents’ house, I’d stumbled on his big secret—that he’d been hiding the authenticity of the Chagall for weeks—and I’d told him I never wanted to see him again.

Great first impression for his mother. How could I top that one?

I put up a finger and hit the call button on my steering wheel. “Call Lucy Chapman.”

“Wearestill going tonight, sì?”

“Hey, Sam!” came Lucy’s excited voice. “Did you get my text about White Cedar?”

“I did, and we just finished there.”

“Is Antonio with you?”


“Hi, Antonio! Why am I always talking to you on the phone together, but never get to see you as a—”

“Lucy,” I said on a long exhale. “Felicia gave us some information I’d like you to track down. She mentioned they had two other paintings that came from the same place we suspect the Constable did. Can you—”

“Want me to check that real estate listing and find some other mega-sus artwork?”

“Sort of. Send me the best shots you can of every piece of artwork or sculpture on the listing, including any that aren’t on the public site anymore.”

“On it, boss.”

She clicked off and I sighed, “Not your boss, Luce.”

Antonio eased my sunglasses down so there was no barrier between us. “I won’t go without you, but I’d rather not have to cancel on my poor, old, frail grandmother.”

I chuckled at his puppy-dog eyes, the way he batted his eyelashes at me. “Listen, I’ve met your grandmother. Poor, old, and frail are not the words I’d use.”

“Then how about… she’ll kick your very firm little ass if you don’t come with me? She and my mother want to fawn over you. And more than that…” He kissed the tip of my nose. “My mother wants to make up for what happened.”

My family was small. Me, my sister, her husband and kids, plus Nathan. Antonio’s family was the opposite. The only saving grace was that his aunts and uncles and most of their kids were scattered across the country and Italy. Bringing him to Christmas dinner with my family meant a lot to me. It was a chance for them to meet him and hopefully for him to win Cass and Nathan over. He’d be going into the lion’s den tomorrow night, so it was only fair if I went with him tonight.

“Of course I’ll go with you.”

A smile spread across his handsome face. “And I was hoping we could do our gift exchange there tonight? Mamma wants to see you open what I got for you.”

“Just tell me it isn’t more lingerie.”

I expected a loud, Antonio-esque laugh.

Instead, he cupped my cheek, thumb brushing across my lips. “It’s something special for my special woman.”

A wave of the panic I’d felt last night jumped in my stomach. I’d foolishly thought that jewelry box had an engagement ring in it. And how quickly and easily he teased about us being married… he wouldn’t propose at his parents’ place.

Would he?

Chapter 19