Page 46 of Disarming Caine

Just like the extra bullet in the pillar between the two windowpanes at Mason’s.

I stared at the balcony door. The board wasn’t across the entire space, just the door itself. I could still open it. Go out and see if they missed a seventh bullet here, too. Walk out onto the balcony because the guy who tried to kill us was locked up. Show that bastard who’s boss. Show him I wasn’t afraid.

Maybe even find another souvenir.

The walk to the door took longer than it should have. Small steps around the blood. Brushed my fingers across the top of the side table which saved our lives.I should take that table with me when I leave.A lump lodged in my throat.

But I was stronger than this fear. I had control over my body.

My heart would slow down. Any minute now.

My hand gripped the door handle and I eased it open, stepping out into the cold. The parking lot lights were on, but the trees beyond were dark. If they had the wrong guy and someone else was down there, it was too late for me.

But no bullets flew. Cars came and went, people walked to and from their vehicles.

The balcony was ten feet long, a concrete slab with thick metal railings, and it didn’t reach the bedroom window. I leaned over the edge, scanning the brick and mortar facing, like I had at Mason’s.

And there it was. A hole in the mortar, two feet away from the edge of the balcony, at chest height.

What to do now? The front desk could put me in touch with hotel maintenance… but I dug my hand into my pocket and pulled out Harry’s pliers. I’d forgotten to return them.

Stretching out, I repeated my actions from Mason’s. Dig out the loose bits, widen the hole, grab on, and pull. I leaned over, hooking one thick boot into the railing to my side, and heaved on the bullet until my entire arm swung out. This time, I held tight to the pliers and to the bullet.

I hurried inside, locked the door behind me, and pulled the bag from Mason’s out of my pocket. The bullet was so damaged from piercing the brick, other than being the same caliber, there was no use in comparing them. But the search at Mason’s had also yielded a casing. If the police had collected six bullets, they’d have a maximum of six casings.

Stuffing it all into the zippered security pocket inside my jacket, I grabbed my bags and mail, then tore downstairs to the edge of the parking lot. There was a casing down there somewhere, and I was going to get my souvenir.

Chapter 16


Nathanswunghisfrontdoor open, surging forward to grab me in a bear hug. “Did you hear the news?”

“They caught the shooter from last night?”

“Damn straight!” He released me and ushered me in. “I’m going to put that asshole away for a long time over this.”

“Janelle told me you were a little intense.”

He laughed, taking my jacket and hanging it up while I kicked off my boots. “She tossed me out! Good thing, or I would have missed our appointment.”

As we walked down the hall toward the living room, the scent of fried mushrooms and garlic washed over me. I’d interrupted his dinner. “Need to reschedule? I don’t mind.”

He waved it off. “I just had it delivered. It’ll keep.”

“Speaking of keeping things…” I dug into my pocket and produced his spare key.

With a groan, he accepted it. “I have to apologize for Saturday. That was… I don’t remember anything past you pushing me into your truck.”

I careened into him, almost knocking him into the wall. “What are friends for?”

“And then last night.” He put an arm around my shoulders and squeezed. “I’m sorry about flying off the handle like that. You know I just—”

“—want to keep me safe. I know.” It felt more like he was trying to drive a wedge between me and Antonio.

There was a step ladder set up under the water spot on the ceiling. Nathan let go of me and crossed to the kitchen. “Listen, they messed up my order and sent me two meals. I don’t suppose you want to eat before you get down to business?”

“No, thanks, but you go ahead.”