Page 37 of Disarming Caine

She finished a double-knot and frowned, scanning the common room. “This place is way bigger than you need. What is it? Fifty feet by thirty? Twelve-foot ceilings, for sure. I mean, what do you do in here?”

“So, back to my deal?”

She blew out a deep breath and turned to me, nodding. “I’m working on it.”

“That’s all either of us can do.” I kissed her nose and we stood as one. When I offered her another bite of food, she accepted. “And it’s big because I host big parties.”

The room included a sitting area with television and gaming systems, a reading corner, and the dining room. Open concept with pale walls, two trimmed weight-bearing columns, and rugs over the dark hardwood. A balcony followed the length of the room, outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Off the end with the dining room, the kitchen was separated from the great room by a granite-topped breakfast bar with five bar chairs. Between the foyer and the kitchen, the circular metal staircase climbed to my studio upstairs. Her gaze had lingered on it last night when we broke for a snack, but we were too busy for a tour.

“Big parties?”

“Sometimes, sì.” I shrugged as she took another bite and cocked an eyebrow at me. “I have a lot of friends.”

She covered her mouth, eyes tracing along my body, pausing where I’d tucked the towel. The corner of her mouth twitched, telling me I would soon be naked. “That’s something we definitely don’t have in common.”

“Does this bother you?”

She grinned, her gaze finally coming back to mine. “Any chance you’ll still be dressed like this when I get back?”

I exaggerated a roll of my eyes, which caused her to laugh as I packed her breakfast in a bag. “Not a chance, bella.”

“Want me to pick up dinner?”

“No need. I’ll have something ready when you get here.” I grinned, kissing her one more time before she left. “Be careful.”

“You, too.” She accepted the bag and opened the door, winking at me as she yanked the towel off and snuck out.

OnceSamanthawasgone,I dropped my food on the dining table and made my way to the bedroom. I sat on the edge of the bed, draped the towel over my lap, and stared at my phone.

My cousin Cristian had once been my idol. Strong, confident, and always in control.

Then I grew up and found out what he and my uncle did for a living. I barely wanted to speak with either of them, but there was no denying how much Cristian helped in September. Had it not been for one of his men, Samantha would have been killed over the Pompeii thefts.

Would calling him make it better or worse? Was he involved? Did he know who was? Only one thing was clear: Neither Cristian nor any of his associates would go on any list for Officer Slater, regardless of the answer to those questions.

I hit his number and waited.

“Antonio!” came his loud voice when he picked up. “Tell me you’re calling about a Christmas visit! Papa will be so excited to see you!”

They lived just outside of Roma on a grand estate by the sea. Since I arrived in Napoli, they’d asked over and over when I’d visit. My response was alwayslater.

“No, Cristian, I’m in the States.”

“I thought you were in Napoli until April?”

He’d already heard about the extension. Of course. As my cousin liked to tell me, he did two things well: hear things and make things happen. “I’m only visiting.”

He chuckled. “The girlfriend?”

“Sì, the girlfriend.” I leaned forward on my knees and took a deep breath. “There was an incident last night…”

“You’re alright?”

“Shaken only. But I need to know who’s behind it. In September, you warned me of someone looking to step in when your father—”

“Antonio.” His voice was sharp and commanding, as it always was.